They sell "pejeluches" up to $ 250 at the end of the AMLO campaign


During the closing that Andrés Manuel López Obrador presidential candidate of the coalition "Together we will make history", played yesterday Estadio Azteca Street traders sold up to 250 pesos the tabasco dolls .

Stuffed animals, about 30 centimeters, with big teeth and white hair they are offered by the dozen at AMLO meetings, where there are also mugs, stickers and others products for fans of "Peje".

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<p>  During the call <strong> AMLOfest, singers Belinda, Eugenia León and Margarita the Goddess of Cumbia </strong> expressed their support for López Obrador. </p>
<p>  <strong> <span style= ALL SUCCESS

For over four decades, the El Alacrán workshop started producing stuffed animals, although out of the 500 models they had, they did Had never had the same success as with the figurine of Pejeluches ] that is the caricatured face of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the presidential candidate de Morena

The idea of ​​the doll was born in 2016, when they thought to give a typical gift to the candidate


Beatriz Saavedra García, Production Manager from the workshop, he said that all renowned political actors give them a trade or a typical product when i They visit the cities and, being Xonacatlán the land of stuffed animals, they immediately thought of a stuffed figure.

"The designer took about two weeks the traces of the face and then the body, which was not very thin or obese, which would give the perfect type, for example, in the candidate's most typical black suit, it was not easy, because in principle we think of other figures, but it was the best idea we had, because there is nothing more personal than his own miniature figurine. "

In the workshop, most of the people responsible for cutting, sewing, pasting and brushing dolls are women. At this moment the production of Pejeluches is constant, because after the delivery of the prototype and the publication in the social networks of the AMLO photography embracing his doll, the requests were returned by the people.

"In principle we get orders by 500 and up to a thousand pieces, were ordinary people, not politicians and yes, obviously we thought maybe they were from Morena, but we do not know if supporters or activists, what we have seen is that even having exhibited in our company because people come to buy something else, but they take one copies, " he said.

Bety said that it is currently difficult to observe this type of interest in acquiring a stuffed animal, as this is not a staple item, however, it There are many people who, through social networks and in the same city, are interested in taking orders of 500 pieces or more.

"We did not think of doing a deal, because we are dedicated to the production of dolls of all kinds, for example: the one who asks us the most is the bear of all sizes, the unicorns, sometimes the characters that become fashionable according to "The films of Alacrán are located in the municipality of Xonacatlán, in the valley of Toluca, it is a series of films for children who are in force, but the truth is that we do not think that the figure of a politician would be as interesting ". locality whose main activity is the production of stuffed animals.

This company hires at less than 70 single mothers, who receive dolls and stuffing to work at home

Since 2006, "pejeluches" have been present at Tabasco meetings and have changed little over the years

D & After information from Claudia González [1 9659002] cg

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