They shoot in the head a young man entrenched at the University of Nicaragua


A young man entrenched at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua) in protest against the government of President Daniel Ortega was wounded today with a bullet in the head, according to reports. protesters "so-called". "Paramilitaries ransack UNAN-Managua trenches and one of the shots directly hit the head of one of the youths" and his condition is critical, according to the university coordinator for democracy and justice, which brings together The young man, whose identity has not yet been specified, was transferred to an emergency hospital in Managua where he remains in a coma with very vital signs. weak, said the coalition of university students.

According to the coordinator, workers in the Mayor's office in Managua, accompanied by police, riot police, paramilitaries, paramilitaries and official shock groups They try to remove the barricades with which the students live there.

Read more: Violence against protesters in Nicaragua intensifies

Also this Saturday, thousands of people gathered in front of the Victory Plaza, in the center of Managua, to participate in a demonstration in honor of the twenty miners who were killed in the demonstrations.

The so-called "Flower March", organized by civic organizations, started at Plaza de las Victorias towards the roundabout Jean Paul Genie in southeastern Managua, where he plans to finish.

Mothers, students, university students and the general population take part in the march, most of them carrying flags of Nicaragua. crosses and flowers in memory of children and adolescents who died during the days of protests in different cities of the country.

This activity, called by the Let's Make Democracy, Movement for Nicaragua Movement April 19 and Anticannel Movement agencies, was scheduled for last Saturday, however, was suspended due to insecurity in different parts of the country.

Today's protest has security measures and the accompaniment of representatives According to its organizers, Nicaragua is going through the bloodiest crisis since 1980, also with Daniel Ortega as president and has left at least 285 deaths, including 20 minors, according to figures from the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH).

Protests against the government began with failed social security reforms and became a demand for government resignation. President, after eleven consecutive years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him.

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With the information from EFE


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