They still do not denounce Morena before FEPADE, says PGR


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The National Electoral Institute (INE) did not denounce Morena before the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for the Attention of Electoral Crimes (FEPADE), in order to investigate the so-called functioning illegal of the foundation Por los Demás to support the victims of the earthquake of September 19, 2017.

The Office of the Prosecutor General (PGR) informed that the General Council of INE decided last Wednesday, in which he fined 197 million pesos to Morena, to give to FEPADE, but still does not appeal to the electoral prosecutor, Héctor Díaz Santana, to launch a research portfolio.

This resolution confronted the virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with the electoral advisers, led by Lorenzo Córdova. 19659002] With 10 votes in favor and one against, the General Council of INE concluded that there is no evidence that the resources deposited in trust by M orena's activists were not used in the campaigns of the last electoral process.

Due to this situation, the councilors fined 197 million pesos to the political institute because he also did not trust INE as provided for in the regulation on taxation. If the INE files the complaint, FEPADE will open an investigation and, if necessary, request information from the election advisers, so as to have data that will allow the prosecution to be prosecuted for facts that might be electoral crimes.

with the electoral resolution, the donors to the trust are leaders, candidates and party staff, in addition various companies have deposited resources in the bank account that is intended for them.

The record also indicates that the economic contributions received are greater than the donation of private authorized donations: the annual limit of private donations allowed for a hard party Councilor Marco Antonio Baños said that there were at least 44, 5 million pesos that improperly entered the trust: "These are cash deposits that are accredited with various videos, in which they see how people make the deposit for sums of up to 50 thousand pesos, and they are reforming and coming back to make other deposits, "he said.

He assured that the investigation is not improvised and is based on documents irregularities

He recalled that the party Morena has the opportunity to file a dissenting appeal before the Electoral Court of Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), who will have the last word in the case.

The councilors reported to FEPADE the former independent presidential candidate, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón El Bronco, for the irregularities detected in his signature collection process. To date, the agency follows the investigations.

Last April, the prosecutor Héctor Díaz Santana indicated that he was waiting for the electoral advisers to provide him with additional information to integrate the complaint

. depend on the information and documentation sent to us by the National Electoral Institute, we expect, there are thousands of signatures that have registered them, we must start this procedure, we must investigate, we can not define dates, "he said.

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