They trap him with $ 1.8 million for alleged vote buying



The Prosecutor Specializing in Electoral Crimes in Nuevo León convened a press conference Saturday afternoon a few hours before start the election process of the first of July where they unveiled the weapon of operation "Protect Your Choice 2018" implemented from the first minute of this Sunday.

"Thanks to the excellent coordination and collaboration that the Fede has with the state Attorney General, the State Agency for Investigations and Civil Force, there will be continuously monitored, the possibility of receiving complaints of election crimes throughout the state territory "

The prosecutor stated that each operational element of these institutions had been specially trained by the Crown in relation to electoral crimes . n ready in each strategic module for the service of the 51 municipalities.

"Up to now, this specialized prosecutor's office has received more than 250 reports citizens between orientations, consultations, denunciations and electoral crimes totaling 127, in this context, search files were integrated, including two in a period of about 20 days, for which the respective initial hearings were requested, already scheduled by the judiciary of the State.

Relatively to a supposed criminal act, he mentions that a third investigation file was opened at the request of the Fede, a control order was granted by a judge of control on the search of a building June 29.

"The above has led to the conclusion that, in response to an anonymous report received yesterday via Fedetel it was concluded that a person was detained the approximate amounts of a millio n eight hundred thousand pesos and eighty and nine thousand dollars in cash were insured, as well as a firearm and cartridges of various calibers.

If you want to report an electoral crime you can report it to:

20204099 – Fedetel

In the codes of Nuevo León

In the page www . fedenl .mx

Or via the application FEDENL

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