They urge the population to take preventive measures against the flu


MERIDA, Yuc.- The Health Secretariat of Yucatán (SSY) reiterated its call on citizens to take preventive measures that come only from official sources to protect the health Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita

In presenting the updated panorama on the disease, published by the Directorate General of Epidemiology (DGE) of the Federal Ministry of Health, the official explained that the Yucatan record of 92 confirmed cases of influenza with four deaths, at the cut of epidemiological week number 28.

He explained that it is a virus that is present throughout the year in Mexico but there are times, such as the current, when it tends to increase due to the presence of moisture, especially in the peninsula.

He urged citizens to go to the doctor if there are symptoms, such as head, fever, dry cough and runny nose.

Preventive Measures

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