They use protection to withdraw medications that are not effective in treating HIV


by: Notimex 7 November 2018 at 15:00

Mexico (Notimex) .- People with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), beneficiaries of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), have appealed against the incorporation of therapeutic alternatives n & # 39; 39, having not proven their effectiveness and safety.

The amparo was filed in the district court in administrative matters against the social security authorities and the national health system.

In a statement, the movement of beneficiaries living with HIV from the IMSS (DVVIMSS) said it had requested that the international bidding call be stopped "Fiscal 2019."

This is because therapeutic alternatives to tenofovir disoproxil succinate and darunavir have not been tested in people living with HIV.

In reviewing the tendering rules, they indicated that, in the case of tenofovir disoproxil succinate, an additional lipid diet is necessary to ensure its absorption, a situation that endangers people with the disease virus. human immunodeficiency.

Luis Adrián Quiroz, coordinator of DVVIMSS, assured that the drug and indications increased cardiovascular risks and kidney damage, while in the case of darunavir, the concentration of the drug was irregular.

"For all this, we asked manufacturers to conduct a specific study on people living with HIV to ensure the effectiveness and safety of these drugs, but we have not had an answer," did he declare.

He emphasized the need to conduct specific drug studies among people living with HIV, to ensure the effect of these drugs.

He stressed that they would seek, as before, meetings with the authorities of the Ministry of Health, the IMSS and the General Health Council.

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