They wait 13 thousand cases of herpes and gonorrhea


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This affects men as well as women but we have more cases in women women are more cared for than men .
Jorge Antonio Córdova Castillo,
HIV / AIDS Program

Cd. Victoria, Tam.- This year, we expect to record an average of 13,000 cases of sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis throughout the world. 39; State. similar to that recorded in 2017 for which 2 million 500,000 condoms will be distributed free of charge in clinics and health centers .

" Transmission Diseases Sexual in the state up to this year, we have a total of 5166 sexually transmitted infections, mainly gonorrhea, herpes and syphilis most diagnosed throughout the state, "revealed the head of the office of the program HIV / AIDS, Jorge Antonio Córdova Castillo

There are currently 2,943 cases Human immunodeficiency virus positive ( HIV ), 153 more cases than those accumulated until December 2017 are supported retroviral drugs that allow carriers to have a life expectancy between 45 and 50 years, however diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis are not life-threatening and their treatments can be prolonged until

The Sanitary Jurisdiction of Matamoros has the highest number of STD cases, 1,049 cases women and 205 men, 1,254 in total, followed by Reynosa with 564 women and 260 men, 824 Altamira with 548 women and 102 men, 650 in total "In Ciudad Victoria, we have a total of 500 sexually transmitted infections so far this year."

Dr. Jorge Antonio Córdova added that "this concerns both men and women, but we have more than in women, because women are better cared for than men ", ie 4,272 cases among women, compared to only 894 among men so far this year, the most vulnerable population is between 15 and 20 years old , finally considered that the majority of cases are due to a lack of culture or sex education.

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