They will ask for a detailed report to the SSY on the flu


"Confusion" in the figures

The chairman of the Health Committee of the Congress of State, the deputy Manuel Díaz Suárez, expected that he would request by official letter to the Ministry of Health timely and official information on the reality of the problem of "Between seeing a series of contradictions in the statements of the secretary (Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita) and a little dance figures, where first it was said that there were no deaths, after that it was necessary to recognize that it was a "In 1965, as a doctor, the MP felt that there could be an epidemic. [19659003] "I have had the opportunity to I have not been able to know or know for sure which is of type A1H1N1, but we have an outbreak of influenza cases, some of which" In the best cases, in which Yucatan does not present an epidemic according to the scientific part, which is the case HUM and others of this group who is much more aggressive with our airways. "is not classified as such, the big mistake of the state is to not know how to communicate to the citizens what happens, and this causes confusion, "he said

According to the lawmaker," the first party before declaring an epidemic that the secretary ethically complies with telling us the truth, and c & # 39; we will ask. DAVID DOMÍNGUEZ MASSA

At a glance

Lack of clarity

"As a doctor, I tell you that a large part of the problem is the lack of clarity of the ministry of Health, which has characterized throughout the administration, to report influenza, "said MP PAN Diaz


The same thing happened with conjunctivitis , he said. There was an epidemic and it was controlled by its own cycle, but it was never recognized, that's the big problem when the numbers are hidden.

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