They will ask for an emergency declaration for the rains in Guanajuato


Carlos García, Correspondent

Celaya, Gto. The state government of Guanajuato will request the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) to issue an emergency declaration for the damage caused by the rains in the state, informed the president, Miguel Márquez Márquez.

On Friday evening, he issued a statement on the meeting of the State Council for Civil Protection where it was agreed to request resources from the Fund for Natural Disasters (Fonden)

"This request will be made for damage to major infrastructure, schools, homes ". Márquez He added that the state will assess the damages that will be taken care of with catastrophic insurance.

"Support will be provided in what will happen to Fonden's resources, we will enter to stop aid to the citizens," he said.

The governor assured that Celaya is one of the municipalities most affected by the rains and that the three levels of government are working to support the accumulation of water accumulated in "the land of the factories Honda, the El Cuije and La Luz communities, as well as the liberation of the Southeast. "Miguel Márquez said the rains caused damage in 25 of the 46 municipalities in the state.

"We have declared a permanent alert on the climatological problem, since more rain is expected for the rest of this weekend, we will be very attentive."

In a few days in the state, 60 percent of the average annual rainfall has been achieved and the dams of Allende and El Palote are reported at 100 percent; "178 outbreaks have been activated, dissemination campaigns are carried out to find out the preventive actions that the population must put in place during the rainy season and the 911 emergency number is available."

The affected municipalities are Abasolo, Celaya, Comonfort, Cuerámaro, Doctor Mora, Dolores Hidalgo, Capital of Guanajuato, Huanímaro, Irapuato, Juventino Rosas, Leo, Ocampo, Penjamo, Purísima del Rincón, Romita, Salvatierra, San Diego of the Union, San Felipe, San Francisco del Rincón, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel de Allende, Silao, Tierra Blanca, Uriangato and Villagran.

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