They will conduct a rapid detection campaign for prostate cancer in all municipalities



Colima, Col.- Throughout the month of August the campaign will be carried out by the State DIF Taking care of dad's health, in which the detection will be made timely prostate cancer

The DIF region physician, Manuel Trucios Cook, mentioned that a blood test for prostate specific antigen will be applied.

He said that it is especially aimed at those who have risk factors as a direct family member, in this case, the father who has had a history of prostate cancer.

"This reproduces the possibility that the child has it, if there is a story of the father and that one of the brothers of this person gets up 10 times the possibility of 39, a prostate cancer. "

He said that those who have these risk factors come, because if they are detected a high antigen will support the State Institute of Cancer to study ios and patient follow-up.

Interested parties must register in advance at each municipal DIF to obtain a date and with it to be able to attend.

Next Monday in Coquimatlán the campaign will be carried out; the same day in the park González Lugo de Tecomán; August 8 in Minatitlán in the auditorium of the municipal DIF

For August 10 in Ixtlahuacán in the Casa de la Cultura; on August 13 in Comala in the auditorium Juan Rulfo; August 14 at Manzanillo at the fair's casino; August 15 in Colima in the municipal DIF; August 16 at Armería in the multipurpose room Gustavo Vázquez Montes and August 17 in Cuauhtémoc in the inner courtyard

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