They will go to the IACHR to reduce penalties for those convicted of femicide


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As a setback in women's rights, the Survivors Foundation described the sentence of the Constitutional Court (CC) that removes a fragment of Article 6 of the Act against Femicide, which prohibits the reduction of penalties for those convicted of this crime.

Penalties for femicide range from 25 to 50 years. With the decision of the CC, if a person responsible for this crime accepts the repurchase of the sentences could leave the prison after 15 years of sentence, the same period as someone in prison commits a crime against property, exemplified by the 39; David Arrecis Foundation lawyer

"We will never be able to compare a woman's life, with a heritage patrimony," added the lawyer consulted.

The theft of a vehicle, armed, is also punished with 15 years in prison.

The concern for the early departure of female offenders comes from the usual threats to the victim's circle. It is very common that they also attack their children or the parents of women, says lawyer Rodolfo Díaz

Survivors will study in detail the arguments for bringing the case to the Inter-American Court of Rights of the human being (IACHR). At the discretion of the lawyers, the sentence violates the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women, in which Guatemala is committed to adopt, by all means, policies and procedures. positive actions

. violated Articles 3, 13 and 14 of the international treaty – known as the Belem do Pará Convention – said Diaz. "The Convention recognizes very specific rights of women, which can not be considered as limiting, but conquests."

Original Action

The CC's decision responds to an action of unconstitutionality, presented by lawyers Manuel Chinchilla and Ethel Girón, against the expression "and can not be granted the reduction of the sentence for any reason ", contained in Article 6 of the law against feminicide and other forms of violence against women

The interlocutors argue that the statement violates articles 4 and 19 of the Constitution, which refer respectively to equality and the inhumane situation that involves the imposition of a sentence that is not aimed at the resocialization of persons. 19659003] 24

Persons sentenced for femicide from April 2017 to February 2018.

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