They will replace stolen tickets in Chiapas and Tabasco


They steal 11 thousand tickets to Chiapas

The 11 thousand tickets that were stolen this morning in Huixtán will be invalidated and new notes will be printed, which will be sealed and signed by the representatives of the political parties, as well as by the polling stations. , says Oswaldo Chacón Rojas, president advisor of the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation of the State of Chiapas (IEPC).

Questioned before the session of the General Council of the Electoral Corps, he explained that the new ballots will be delivered tomorrow and they printed the name of the municipality, in order to prevent the stolen electoral material from being used in a another demarcation.

"The stolen tickets will be invalid, we will deliver them, they will be delivered tomorrow and these will be duly sealed, signed by the representatives of the political parties and the heads of the polling stations, so that it is not necessary In the morning, an armed group stole seven packets with 11 thousand ballots, the trainers and the electoral advisor were intercepted while they were going to the municipal capital of Huixtan, when they were stolen.

The Attorney General's Office (FGE) opened an investigation file for theft.

According to Cristóbal Hernández, the FGE's indigenous prosecutor, he explained that the File numbered 376-078-1001-2018, said that the facts were recorded at 10:15 on the Huixtán-Oxchuc federal highway, at the height of the detour that leads to the community of San Andrés Puerto Rico.

the first indications, an oven Ford white Ford gutter obstructed the road and from there came unknown strangers who prevented the passage of a Nissan double-cabin vehicle where officials were traveling Electorly Those who forced themselves to stay on the side of the road immediately stole seven electoral packages that they were carrying.

Stolen parcels contain ballot papers for the elections to the governor, the local deputy and members of the Huixtán City Council addressed to the communities of Jocosic. , Los Ranchos, Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Chempil, Buena Vista and La Libertad

They steal 3 thousand 500 electoral ballot in Tabasco

The executive member of the Local Council of the INE Maria Elena Cornejo Esparza, reported that this afternoon 3 thousand 500 bulletins were stolen that would be used for the six elections that will take place this on July 1 .

In a press conference, the official of INE who was accompanied by the executive secretary of Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation of Tabasco Rob Erto Felix Lopez, specified that the Theft of newsletters was in the municipality of Tenosique, when the chairman of the board of directors of a box left his house. When he returned, he realized that they had gone home and that they had taken ballot papers .

Cornejo Esparza informed that Fade had already been seen and that the graphic workshops had also been notified. Mexico to start printing the ballots, ensuring that they would arrive in Tabasco sometime tomorrow.

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