This "air bag" protects your mobile phone against falls


  This & # 39; airbag & # 39; protect your mobile phone from falling

Photo: Frenzel + Mayer Solutions


The design of a smartphone protector that displays bumper air bags when your phone goes broke has fascinated the entire web. If you have ever accidentally sensed the momentary terror caused by seeing your phone go down in real life, in other words, if you are a human, you will want to try this wonder

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The protector was designed by Philip Frenzel, an engineering student at the University of Aalen in Germany, after four years of work. Frenzel designed the design after the screen of more than one of his cell phones was broken by a fall, he told the public channel Südwestrundfunk . The flexible arms are hidden inside each corner of the stylish case and unfold only when the small sensors inside detect that the phone is in free fall.

We do not know why this has not been the case before. but the genius of design has not gone unnoticed. Recently, Frenzel was awarded for his outstanding work in the field of mechatronics by the German mechatronics company . Now we just have to wait for his Kickstarter so that we, clumsy and careless, can have in our hands a protector like this.

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* This content is published with the permission of Vice México.

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