This electric car shrinks if you can not find parking


Tel Aviv /

To solve the problem of lack of places to parknail start-up Israeli has just presented a foldable electric car, the Transformer of city, which has a base that expands or contracts with a single button.

In its reduced version the vehicle is one meter wide and therefore needs the same space as a motorcycle. If it is extended, it is 1.4 meters wide, a proportion similar to that of a normal car. The Transformer of city reached according to the manufacturer the 90 km / h maximum speed.

The car battery can be charged at home or on public stations and currently has a range of 150 kilometers. "However, we hope that for mass production, there will be better and more efficient batteries," said Udi Meridor, head of innovation at Transformer of city. In the development collaborated among others the Japanese company Yamaha.

The final prototype will be ready for sale in the next 10 months, when the official campaign to start one will begin. Once you have 10,000 pre-ordered vehicles, your production will begin. It is estimated that this will be in 2020 and will have a price of eight thousand, 785 dollars, equivalent to 10 thousand dollars.

The vehicle is intended for private and shared use, initially in Tel Aviv. Later, it will also be available in European and Asian countries. It is planned to develop a version of the car for business, with a carrying capacity of up to a thousand pounds.

Manufacturers also highlight the usefulness of the car in case of difficult access or when there is a massive presence of people, for example to provide emergency medical assistance.

The start-up plans to launch three versions of the car: an open or convertible; one closed for less benign climates and another with two places at the back, for families.


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