This institute of adult education has hosted students up to 113 years


Older adults are still synonymous with teaching and example, and this has been demonstrated by six men and women of 113, 107, 98, and 84 years of age who have been helped by the same age. Tlaxcalteca Institute for Adult Education (ITEA) to learn to read and write, some of them have successfully completed their primary and secondary studies and intend to start their secondary education.

As they are close to a thousand people over the age of 65, they seek to reduce the academic backwardness in which they find themselves, through programs run by ITEA.

According to the records of the institute, the oldest student of the state is Don Petronilo Moreno Vázquez, 113 years, of the municipality of Nativitas, has entered the literacy level, but was released last year due to his health conditions, and continues to be cared for by his family.

In addition, Doña Eva Alarcón González, who at age 107 also began with the instruction to learn to read and write, in the municipality of Tlaxco, however, after For a while, she also lost her job for health reasons in 2017.

Up to now, they have been the only cases of students whose age exceeds two digits; This experience has marked the staff of ITEA, not only because it is the oldest people who have tried to break down the barrier of not knowing how to read or write, but also because the computer system of the ITEA Institute had to change The adult age was double digit with up to 99 years, and on these occasions a number was added to register the students.

There are also cases of Hermelinda Pérez Hernández from Mazatecochco Municipality, Albino Lara Tapia from Emiliano Zapata and María González Herrera from Hueyotlipan who, at age 98, managed to abandon the statistics of people who do not can not read or write. which is 26 thousand in the state of Tlaxcala.

In June of this year, Don Sabino Xochipiltecatl Carvente, originally from the municipality of Zacatelco, was able to finish high school at the age of 85 with an average of 8.7 and in 2017 he received his primary certificate with an average of 7.8; the six have shown that it is never too late to progress in the field of education, let alone attain the goals.

In these cases, Juan Pablo Morán Maldonado, Director of Accreditation and Certification of ITEA, explained that the institute serves people over 15 years of age without limits. Age who can not read or write, or who are late. their primary or secondary education, currently 1,800 people are in the literacy program, of which 55.55% are over 65, that is, a thousand men and women Older women are taken care of.

He also stated that in the areas of San Pablo del Monte, Zacatelco, Emiliano Zapata, Hueyotlipan, Huamantla, Nativitas and Tlaxco, to name a few municipalities, is where the population is the longest and that "at 90 they make their normal life without any problem, can see Don Sabino who is doing his normal life and at 84 years has no limits to continue studying, is more commenting that they encourage him to continue online high school to continue studying.

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