This is how Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio look in Tarantino's new film


The new film of Quentin Tarantino This has generated great expectations in the film industry. The filmmaker, double winner of an Oscar, will return to the big screen with a cast full of stars and a dramatic story.

Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie, Al Pacino and Burt Reynolds, are just some of the actors who will be part of "Once upon a time in Hollywood", a movie inspired by the murder of Sharon Tate (1969).

The plot takes place in Los Angeles, California, in 1969, thriving Hollywood hippie. The two protagonists will be Rick Dalton (DiCaprio), a former TV star, and his double action, Cliff Booth (Pitt).

Both of them have problems to succeed in the movies, and see a way out to meet Sharon Tate, a very famous neighbor of Rick. The tape is in full recordings, and until now it was unclear how it was going to fit the characters at the time.

It's Leonardo DiCaprio himself who has decided to put forth the look that he and Pitt will take in the movie by sharing a photo on his Instagram account.

Sharon Tate was the wife of director Roman Polanski, and was one of nine people who died at the hands of Charles Manson and his sect "The Family". The crimes committed by this organization shocked American society and marked a point and separated in the counterculture of the 60s.

"Once upon a time in Hollywood", will be the first film of Tarantino that will not have the support of the producer Harvey Weinsteinwhose reputation has sunk after a series of charges by sexual assault. The premiere of the film is scheduled for August 2019.


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