This is how marijuana was sold legally in Mexico


Senator de Morena and future Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, proposed a bill for the regulation and control of cannabis in Mexico. The law will regulate the recreational, medicinal and commercial use of marijuana. In recent years, the debate on the legalization of marijuana This has been at the center of public discussions.

Previously, in April 2017, the Chamber of Deputies approved the medical use of cannabis in medicines containing less than 1% of HTC.

But the regulatory debate comes of a previous restriction of marijuana in Mexico. In EL UNIVERSAL, we talk about the process of prohibition in the country.

In the 19th and early 20th century, marijuana use was not punished in Mexico, but rather considered a plant with medical properties. In pharmacies (predecessors of pharmacies) you can buy opioid derivatives without control or deprivation.

The prohibitionist vision of the Mexican government began with alcohol, with the creation of the Health Council, which aimed to eliminate the social devastation caused by alcohol at all levels of society. In 1917 MEPs Francisco J. Múgica and David Pastrana They proposed an anti-alcohol law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of pulque, maguey derivatives and sugar cane for the preparation of intoxicating beverages.

As part of this initiative, it was also proposed to make the sale of drugs illegal and could only be acquired on medical prescription, in addition to prohibiting gambling, bullfights and cockfighting. The initiative was rejected by the chamber with 98 votes against and 54 for.

In 1916, Venustiano Carranza decreed the prohibition to import and sell "chandoo", which was at the origin of the reputation of opium to smoke, although in Due to the political instability prevailing in the country, the implementation of the decree could not be applied.

In 1920, the Board of Health proposed to include marijuana in the list of hazardous substances used for its consumption. In 1923, the then president, Álvaro Obregón, decreed that only the government could import opium, morphine, cocaine and marijuana, which had triggered a black market wave and of substance trafficking, recently banned.

The final veto occurred in the 1930s, thanks to two main factors.

For the secondment by the Mexican Government of several international agreements on the distribution of narcotics and narcotics, signed by the international community and supported in particular by the United States, at a particularly prohibitionist time on drugs.

The implementation of a new sanitary code (which replaces Porfirio Diaz's 1902) that established the illegality of any brutalizing and contrary to good manners.


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