This is how presidents congratulate AMLO


Donald Trump declared that "there is much to be done for the benefit of the United States and Mexico" after the triumph of AMLO


Before the Triumph in the presidential elections of leftists of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena Andres Manuel López Obrador the presidents expressed their congratulations.

More than 89 million Mexicans were called this July 1st at the polls to elect more than 3,400,400 civil servants, including president, head of the government of Mexico City, deputies and senators


A new expression of democratic maturity: Argentina

The Argentine government today celebrated the democratic day The victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the presidential election, which was rewarded by his contenders José Antonio Meade, Ricardo Anaya and Jaime R odríguez, was successful 19659008] Argentina highlights this new expression of the democratic maturity of the Mexicans, who have expressed their willingness to continue their development and progress by placing their trust in the leadership of Andrés Mr. López Obrador, "said a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

. welcome and congratulate this triumph, he added, "the Argentine government reaffirms its willingness and willingness to continue working to deepen bilateral relations with Mexico."

He also chose to "continue to build a stable and integrated Latin America based on democracy". respect for human rights and always committed to the common goal of consolidating the prosperity and well-being of our peoples. "


AMLO will continue to" strengthen the deep bonds of friendship based on well-being "President of El Salvador [19659004] Salvadoran President Salvador Sánchez Cerén congratulates Andrés Manuel Ló Obrador on winning the Mexican presidential elections, polls show in the polls

Congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the victory won in the presidential elections in Mexico ", Sánchez Cerén, also from left, published in his social networks

The Salvadoran president, from the former guerrilla Front Farabundo Martí for the National Liberation (FMLN), assured that with López Obrador he would continue to "strengthen the deep bonds of friendship based on the well-being" of both peoples. *

There is much to be done for the benefit of the United States and Mexico: Trump

The pr President of the United States, Donald Trump, congratulated the presidential candidate of Juntos Haremos Historia, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador triumph in the elections held this Sunday, July 1st.

On his Twitter account, the US president has expressed his desire to work with politician Tabasco.

Trump added that "there is much to be done to benefit the United States and Mexico".


I hope that AMLO maintained the excellent relations: Santos

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos congratulated leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador for winning the presidential elections in Mexico.

Colombian expressed congratulations on Twitter, where he added that he expects Lopez "to maintain the excellent relations" between the two countries.


Evo Morales congratulates AMLO on its "convincing victory"

Bolivian President Evo Morales congratulated Andrés Manuel López Obrador tonight for his victory in the elections in Mexico, which was recognized by its contenders in Sunday's elections.

Morales expressed in your Twitter account his "warmest congratulations" to López Obrador "for his overwhelming victory in the Mexican elections.We are sure your government will write a new page in the history of dignity and Latin American sovereignty ", informed the Bolivian News Agency


With AMLO the truth triumphs over lie: Maduro

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, also congratulated Andrés Manuel López Obrador through his social networks

I congratulate the Mexican people and its elected president, @lopezobrador_, that the broad ways Sovereignty and friendship Our peoples triumph with the truth about the lies and the hope of the Great Fatherland is renewed, "he said.


With information from Notimex and EFE

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