This is not a "market bonus", but every assistant closes management with a million pesos in the wallet


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- Each of the 500 deputies who make up the current federal legislature will receive in final payment one million pesos corresponding to the delivery of their diet or salary, the proportion of their bonus, 40 days, and his savings fund, which reaches 910 thousand pesos

The three concepts are provided for by law and, at each end of the legislature, the last payment is increased to the month to month should receive the legislators, this because they receive 12% of their diet, they were able to benefit from a discount on their savings fund for three years.

In addition, they receive an equal amount from the administration of the Chamber of Deputies. the Secretary General of San Lazaro, Mauricio Farah, who each end of the legislature must address the media to clarify that it is authorized payments within the legal framework.

In an interview, the manager of financial and administrative management of San Lázaro said that it was not what we call the "walking bonus". That is, they will not receive a single peso that is not considered in law or as a reward for completing their legislative work

"They are entitled, by law, although I know that he is mistreated and denigrated the public task.They will not receive anything that is not provided by law … We have not provided any withdrawal bonus for the deputies.It will have none, "justifies Farah Gebara

– The insurance of individualized separation is not an abuse?

" No, this is not an abuse, the deputies contributed a part of their diet to be able to make a "The general secretary was interviewed during the visit of the president of the INE, Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, who handed 124 evidence of majority accrediting the same number of deputies who will be part of PRP and the chairman of the board of directors of the current legislature, Edgar Romo, were present at the event, which will take place this Wednesday 18, when 116 other certificates will be delivered, and next Thursday the 62 corresponding to the 300 majority deputies.

However, the documents of the 200 deputies of proportional representation are still pending, which will formalize one at the end of the protest process, if any.

Deputies receive about 150 thousand pesos a month, which is made up of 74 thousand diet pesos (salary), and the rest for legislative assistance and for attention to citizenship.

However, only 12% of the 74 thousand pesos are what is deducted to the legislators who authorize it, to form their savings fund, and the House puts an equal amount. This is what constitutes the savings fund, which amounts to just over 910 thousand pesos, and corresponds to three years of work in San Lazaro.

The rest consists of the 74 thousand pesos of his last month's work plan and the 40-day bonus of 2018. Together, lawmakers receive a final check for a million pesos.

When handing over the certificates, the Speaker of the House requested that the bureaucracy not be carried out for "populist" purposes, but according to the work and responsibility of each of the officials.

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