This is the big difference between a group and a mailing list on WhatsApp


(Photo: Pixabay / Facebook official WhatsApp)

How many times have you been added to a group in which many foreigners just participate to tell you something? To not be ESE contact, here we tell you everything you need to know about the tools offered by WhatsApp. As you've probably heard, the application has recently released a feature that makes group administrators particularly capable of sending messages. But what about mailing lists ? Have not they served the same purpose? Well, no, their purpose is similar, but they are not the same. Here we explain why.


Groups are collaborative chats where each member can send messages and files. Their great advantage is that they are the ideal space to interact and that everyone sends his best memes, opinions or agreement on something. Up to 256 members can participate in groups.

In groups with & # 39; send messages & # 39; only for administrators, as indicated by their name, only they will be able to send messages. All other participants will receive the message, but will not be able to send an answer in the conversation . That's why it is said that it works like a megaphone because only one or a few will have the power to spread messages.

(Photo: Pixabay / Screenshot)

Mailing Lists

As WhatsApp explains, These recipient lists are saved and you can use them as many times as you like. When you use this option, the message you send will join all users included in the list, but in a private chat. Like groups, lists can include up to 256 participants.

(Photo: Pixabay / Screen Capture)

The big difference

The difference is that in the groups all the participants they will know to whom you sent the same message . In addition, everyone will be able to answer in the chat where everyone will receive it (in case the option to send messages only to administrators is not active). On the other hand, mailing lists are more private. The message will be sent at the same time to the members of the list, but they will not know who else you sent it to . In addition, your answers will come to you in personal chat with everyone, for what others will not know.

As you can see, these tools are very different. Each specific case will determine which function you should use. After all, you already know the differences perfectly! If you are one of those who send messages by WhatsApp day and night, know Telcel packages that offer unlimited.

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