This is the reason why Demi Lovato has not yet left the hospital


A week ago, Demi Lovato had to be admitted to the Cedars-Sinai Hospital of Los Angeles, due to an alleged overdose of. a substance that has not yet been revealed.

Seven days later, things do not seem to improve for the singer who is still interned with a complicated picture, according to TMZ.

The website indicates that Demi had nausea and a very high fever, among other symptoms, as a result of the overdose that she had last week.

According to TMZ, Demi receives the best care and her doctors expect her to recover fully, even if they were not even able to give a date provisional to return it.

Up to now, she has not revealed what substances she used. however, it is said that it was a type of opioid, because when they found it unconscious, Narcan was administered, an antidote against overdoses of this type of substance.

And recovery?
Because of his very poor health, his family and close to Demi have not yet been able to talk to him about his rehabilitation. "We do not know where his head is right now," a source told TMZ.

The site mentions that in reality, no one can force her to go to rehab and that is she who will have to make the decision whether to go to a clinic or, well, to to follow a therapy.

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