This is what a newborn planet looks like


In response to the federal law on the protection of personal data held by individuals, the company Communication and Private Sector Strategy (CESP), owner of content sites and Siete24 Deportes ( , exposes who collects personal data of its users and / or readers and suppliers in accordance with the Law on Advertising in the Official Journal of the Federation on 5 July 2010.

In the collection of personal data that may be through the Participation in surveys, questionnaires, mobile applications and / or telephone lines, as well as other sources authorized by law, we follow all the principles set out in Article 6: Legality, quality, consent, information, purpose , loyalty, proportionality and responsibility. 19659002] 1.- Sources of personal data:

For the provision of our commercial services, the administrative and work activities we use:

– Information provided directly by various means: interviews, paper, telephone and / or electronic means.

– Information we collect when you visit our websites.

– Information we obtain from publicly available sources.

2.- Uses of Personal Data:

– For the provision of our commercial services.

– For administrative and work activities.

– For the purposes of identification for the provision of our services.

– For statistical purposes. 19659002] – For the purposes of communication, promotion of goods and / or services

– In no event should any data other than those indicated here be used for the personal data collected

– En In no case will the third party be transferred to a third party. personal information without prior consent.

3.- Information on the action:

– We do not share any information without the explicit consent of the owner, we do not distribute it, we distribute it, we do not sell it

– We can share information:

– To complete a procedure requested by the owner.

– To meet the requirements of the authorities to protect and defend the rights of Siete24 Noticias, and / or Siete24 Deportes

This always in accordance with what is strictly stated in chapter V, articles 36 and 37 of the Federal law on the protection of personal data held by private parties.

4.- How we protect personal data:

– In accordance with the regulations in force, once you have entered your personal data, we inform you that they will be protected.

– Personal data will be protected administratively, technically and physically to prevent loss, improper use or unauthorized access, publication, modification or destruction of personal data that you have provided to us.

5.- How to contact us:

-To exercise ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition), contact the Communication and Private Sector Strategy (CESP), owner of the content sites and to 52021515 mail [email protected] [19659002] -The ARCO application must contain and accompany what the law mentioned in article 29.6

  1. – Modifications of this notice of confidentiality:

– At any time, the necessary modifications can be made to adapt, update, 7. Sensitive personal data:

– In accordance with the law on the protection of personal data, sensitive personal data are those that are related to the Racial or ethnic origin. current and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference. In these cases, the owner must express his express consent, by his handwritten signature, his electronic signature or any verification mechanism established for that purpose.

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