This will be the opposition that awaits Ivan Duque in Congress


Iván Duque opposition breathes in the neck. Without having yet arrived at Casa de Nariño to govern for the next four years, the political sector of the country that will oppose the president of the new Republic is already organized, with a defined strategy and with the advantage that the Statute of Opposition that is about to be released

Opposition to governments is something that happens in any democracy and in the case of the Colombian, there have been all kinds, but not like the one that the new head of state will have to overcome. . This opposition is openly left and for the first time in history will have special guarantees to do its job.

Times change. Iván Duque will have an opposition that will be much more structured, organized and thoughtful, which will also find in the Statute of the Opposition the legal rules to make use of this right.

The law was one of the results left by the Peace Agreement with the FARC, a norm that, as recalled this week by President Juan Manuel Santos in sanctioning it, "is not it? nothing more than a series of minimum guarantees for all parties who declare themselves in opposition to the government in power to exercise their democratic rights in full freedom and on an equal footing. "

See also: "The key points of the tax reform that the unions raise in Duque."

The one Duque will face will be a clear opposition from the left There is the Democratic Pole, the new party Farc, Decentes, But, l & # 39; Patriotic Union and the center-left Green Alliance party. A special chapter of this opposition is former presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, who, although he is one of the most critical votes against Duque, will not be the great leader of the same thing in Congress.

One of the members of Congress who will be in opposition will be the House Representative David Racero, who arrives by the bench of the decent. He argues, "We hope to work together in the opposition, because we are already preparing and we are starting to know how the Congress of the Republic works."

Racero, who will be one of the youngest members of Congress who arrives on July 20 in the House, says they hope to act as a single bench in the process of various legislative projects and reforms.

"The first thing we are going to present are the laws and the reforms that were missing during the implementation of the peace agreements.The rules will be established as the seats for the victims or the political reform that the outgoing Congress does not have. did not want to approve, "said the MP.

But in the Legislature not only will there be a different program of projects from those who will lead the government, but there will also be discussions on political control as another instrument of opposition.
One of the senators who will continue to lead this position is Jorge Enrique Robledo, of the Democratic Pole, who announced that on July 20, upon taking office, a proposal will be made to quote the new Minister of Finance , Alberto Carrasquilla. In the opinion of the Polish Democratic senator, "Carrasquilla should not be the Minister of Finance," and also asks: "Of all his neoliberal friends, the only one who could name Duke as finance minister went to Carrasquilla, questioned For example, Robledo asks about the fact that his company is included in the "Panama Papers", a situation about which he does not have any doubtful business. "

He does not know either that Carrasquilla, when he was Minister of Álvaro Uribe, said that Colombia is a country with a very high minimum wage. [19659012] Gustavo Petro, not only will make the opposition of his seat as a senator, but also already exercised from the social networks.
The regional mobilizations of August 7, date of entry in function of Duque , are he already claiming for the defense of social leaders who have were murdered, many of whom are activists of his Colombia Humana party

. and with regard to the Statute of the Opposition, the former presidential candidate ensures that "now what we observe looks like different social leaders, in the most vulnerable regions of the country, they The norm can mean beauty, but if it is killed, if access to power is tacitly prevented, there will be no guarantee for any political movement called opposition in Colombia. "

The President of the Green Alliance, Jorge Ivan Ospina, he assures that the opposition must also be guaranteed that his rights are fulfilled. "We must be careful to recognize the participation that fits us in the congressional boards," says Ospina

Read also: "The" heavyweights "of politics who will measure their strength in Congress. 19659002] But a question arises as to whether the Statute of the Opposition can really be exercised, because the sanctioned law indicates that many of its rules must be settled first.

In any case, the great problem that the Opposition against Duque is that among those who will direct it, there are differences equal to or greater than those faced by the new government.

For example, the animosity that exists between Senator Jorge Robledo and ex-candidate Gustavo Petro is public. To the point that Robledo, although ideologically as leftist as Petro, did not want to support the leader of Colombia Humana in the second round and preferred to support the white vote. Even, Robledo has already asserted that Petro will not be the head of opposition

The great doubt that exists, then, is that the opponents will manage to overcome their differences and will act en bloc, or if, on the contrary, they will exercise split opposition. which of course will weaken them all.

The Liberal Party is one of the parties that, in the recent history of Colombia, have had more experience in the opposition. The last was against the government of Álvaro Uribe, between 2002 and 2010.


In 1998, when the conservative Andrés Pastrana Arango won the elections to liberal Horacio Serpa, he announced that He was going to have a cabinet in the shadow of overseeing the management of the new president.

Pastrana came to the presidency of the Republic after being the main opponent of the then President of Ernesto Samper Pizano, even when he denounced the narco-scandal scandal, that revealed Samper's alliance with the Cali Cartel.

Although the leader Santander announced his opposition vehemently, during the months when the shadow cabinet did not crystallize and only a more political opposition remained. of Congress with the bench of liberalism, which – for the time – still had a significant majority.

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