Thousands demand the resignation of Daniel Ortega


With the slogan "Together we are a volcano", the protesters took over the streets of Managua and other cities of Nicaragua to reiterate their rejection of the government of Ortega and his wife, vice -president Rosario Murillo

. Today, thousands of Nicaraguans, on the first of three consecutive days of protests, are demanding the resignation of President Daniel Ortega and justice for the deadly victims that the crackdown has left, at least 351 according to groups of people. local activists.

With the slogan "Together we are a volcano", protesters took over the streets of Managua and other cities of Nicaragua to reiterate their rejection of the government of Ortega and his wife, the vice-president President Rosario Murillo, and for the holding of early elections, in order to achieve a change in the country.

Workers, students, peasants, intellectuals, merchants, families, unemployed and businessmen attended the demonstration. Most wore blue and white clothes, national flag colors and streamers. .

"We want peace, but with justice" and "Forbidden to forget", are some of the phrases that Nicaraguans sang since the beginning of the peaceful march in the rotunda of Cristo Rey in Managua, although that they also shouted the socio-political crisis.

During the tour, the protesters passed through Camino de Oriente, exactly where the demonstrations began on April 18 and where Ortega groups attacked students protesting against the reform of the social security system.

The mobilization convened by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, was held calmly and concluded at the Rotunda Jean Paul Genie, where the participants sang the song. national anthem in unison, showing great love for their country.

Up to now, no violent incidents have been reported during the march, despite a significant presence of the police, especially at the exit of Masaya which has been the scene of repressions and murders. attacks by paramilitaries, according to Nicaraguan press reports. .

This march is the first of three social protests planned in recent days to demand the immediate resignation of Ortega and Murillo, as well as to investigate each of the 351 killings in the crackdown on protests and prosecute those responsible

The march of Managua took place Thursday in all the municipalities of Nicaragua, and Friday will be the second day of demonstrations with a 24-hour national strike, similar to that of June 14 when all activities were suspended. the country.

The mass demonstrations will end next Saturday, when a caravan of cars that will carry the national flag through the towns and villages of Nicaragua is planned.

The national strike is perceived by the Nicaraguan people as an affective weapon against the leaders they identify as "dictators", since a similar protest that lasted more than a month contributed to the fall of the dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle, in 1979.

Despite repeated calls to the government to put an end to all forms of repression against Nicaraguans and to curb the unpunished actions of paramilitary groups, this type of incident is continuing.

Residents of Managua denounced the abduction of Luis Emilio Campos, captured by paramilitaries while he was in his vulcanizadora located in the second entrance of Villa 9 de Junio, in the capital of country, Wednesday morning.

Separately, it was reported that three young members of the 19 April Movement, abducted by hooded men in Nindirí, Masaya, on Wednesday night, were charged with terrorism, organized crime and illegal possession of ammunition by the police. but the accusations are rejected by their relatives.

The disappearance of William Rafael Toruño Molina, who works as a driver for the 100% Noticias channel, on Wednesday evening after making a night tour of the TV channel, and according to his wife he spoke to him know that he had been arrested by the police, but nothing is known about him.

On the other hand, the young Nahomy Urbina, better known as "Comandante Macha", denounced yesterday that the police arrived at her home in Diriamba, Carazo, without a search warrant to search for her and beat her his mother.

According to criminal lawyers, consulted by the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa, the crimes committed by the Ortega government constitute genocide and crimes against humanity, so that they can be prosecuted and prosecuted at any time. moment and in any country.

The murders, persecutions, tortures, enforced disappearances and attacks on protected persons that took place during the civic demonstrations in the country are crimes against the international order, do not prescribe and can be tried in any country of the OAS and in the Organization. United Nations (UN).

All these actions that were committed by the police, paramilitaries and supporters of the Sandinista Front "perfectly match these criminal types and the direct charge is the president, he does not shoot, but he gives the order ", the lawyers



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