Thousands in the United States repudiate immigration policies


  Thousands in the United States repudiate migration policies "title =" Thousands in the United States repudiate migration policies "/> 

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PACIFIC – Until the White House, protests came yesterday demanding reuniting separated migrant families.

New York, NY

Tens of thousands of people gathered in hundreds of American cities yesterday asked the government of President Donald Trump reverse immigration policies considered "cruel" and "inhumane." 19659004] Organizers estimated that about 50,000 people gathered in Washington DC on "Protect Families" marches, while 39; at least 10 thousand people crossed the Brooklyn Bridge in New York to demand the end of the migration policy "zero tolerance."

The demonstrations, promoted by dozens of civil society groups, trade unions and legal defense organizations were encouraged after the men Twenty thousand 300 miners were separated from their parents by illegally crossing the US southern border.

<img src = "" alt = "Thousands in the United States United repudiates immigration policies "title =" Thousands in the United States repudiate immigration policies "19659004] CROWD. This is how the main avenues of Minneapolis, invaded by protesters demanding the end of migration policies, presented themselves.

Most of these families, who according to experts cause deliberate and deep damage with the separations, have not yet been reunited, although some of the children, sent to shelters often hundreds of kilometers away border, have only a few months.

In addition, hundreds of parents were deported without their children to their country of origin. Children, in many cases, face only expulsion trials.

The protesters also criticized the fact that Trump signed an executive order to reunite separated families, but there is no legal mechanism to do so. . Similarly, such a procedure has been replaced by the imprisonment of entire families, also considered inhumane.

The New York Civil Law Group is criticized in a statement that President Trump used separated children as a bureau de change to obtain financial resources to build a border wall and to limit legal immigration, including asylum.

Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), said the current crisis will end until all separated children meet their parents and each family is treated with dignity and access to due process.

Steven Choi, executive director of the Coalition for New York Immigration ( NYIC ), claimed that the separation of families reflects the depth of the "moral bankruptcy" represented by a government like Trump .

"We urge everyone to ask their elected officials to take action to end the separation and imprisonment of families. What is happening defies moral decency, and we will not sit idly by, "said Choi.

<img src =" /2018/07/01/int201807010801exigen.04.jpg.jpg "alt =" Thousands of Americans Repudiate Immigration Policies "title =" Thousands in the United States Repudiate Migration Policies ". In big cities, like Chicago, and small towns, the marches went to ask the government of President Donald Trump to reunite separated families.

In addition to the civil organizers, various elected officials of the Democratic Party participated in Senator Elizabeth Warren said in Boston that "this moment is a moral crisis for our country."

Senator Kamala Harris said in Los Angeles that the United States is at a "turning point" , while we must act to reverse migration policies i nhumaines

"In a few years and from now on our children, our grandchildren, people will look at us and ask us a question." And this question will be: "asked Harris.

In addition to elected officials and activists, several celebrities and artists also joined the march, such as singer Alicia Keys, actress America Ferrera and creator of the musical Hamilton. , Lin-Manuel Miranda

Meanwhile, staying at one of his golf courses in the state of New Jersey, Trump redoubled his appeal for violating the legal process in the United States and expel an immigrant. it is without respecting their right to a trial or to submit asylum applications.

"When people illegally enter our country, we must immediately repel them without going through years of legal maneuvers.Our laws are the most stupid anywhere in the world," he wrote on his Twitter account

Trump erroneously added that if Republicans want secure borders and reject crime, Democrats fight to keep borders open and "weak against crime."

Canadians join US protests [19659004]  Thousands in the United States repudiate immigration policies "title =" Thousands in the United States repudiate immigration policies "/> </p>
<p>  With the slogan" Families must to be together ", Canadians joined the US protests against the separation of immigrant families on the southern border of this country and demanded that Justin Trudeau's government cancel the & # 39; Third Country Agreement Sure with the neighboring nation. </p>
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