Thousands of people walk for the bishops of Nicaragua



In an unprecedented event, Catholics, evangelicals and non-believers marched together in the streets of Managua with songs, prayers, images of the Virgin Mary, and flags of Nicaragua and Japan. Catholic Church to offer their support. the leaders accused by the government of Daniel Ortega of "coup d'etat", in the context of a crisis that has left more than 300 dead.

The clergy has come to the aid of people caught in the violence that has enveloped the country since 18 According to human rights organizations, Ortega attacked the Nicaraguan bishops, who have already done so. the subject of physical and verbal attacks by human rights organizations last April, which also left more than 2,000 wounded. Part of the pro-government groups, and called them coup leaders to propose the upcoming elections scheduled for 2021 to March 2019.

The protesters demanded the resignation of the government. Ortega and his wife and vice president Rosario Murillo and the people's freedom arrested for protesting.

A group of doctors joined the demonstration in solidarity with the bishops and with the dismissal of some 40 state doctors for treating people who were protesting. against the government

The so-called pilgrimage by our bishops, defenders of truth and justice, convened by the Autoconvocados Movement, was preceded by the image of the virgin of Cuapa, considered miraculous by Nicaraguan Catholics. Thank you Nicaraguan people for their affection for bishops and priests! ", Tweeted the auxiliary bishop of Managua, Monsignor Silvio Báez, a critical voice with the president.

On foot, by motorbike or vehicle, Sandinistas, officials and members of the national police departed in the street to express their support for what they call a "revolutionary process" taken by Commander Daniel Ortega "and to repudiate those who protested against his government since April 18 last.

During the march, government protesters carried the red and black flags of the Sandinista National Front of Liberation (FSLN) and that of Nicaragua

There were no incidents in the marches, which took place at the same time.

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