Thousands protesters protest "fraud" and electoral violence in Puebla


PUEBLA, Pue. (appropriated) .- Thousands of citizens marched tonight in the streets of this capital by repudiating the violence unleashed against the voters during the votes of the previous Sunday, which they blamed the former governor PAN, Rafael Moreno Valle.

cry of "fraud, fraud, fraud!", Citizens and supporters of Morena left the Paseo Bravo to go to the offices of the State Electoral Institute, where they participated in a rally .

Organizations such as Movimiento Antirreleccionista Poblano (MAP) repudiated the violence on polling day, when the crates were attacked by shock groups who fired shots in the air and put endanger the lives of citizens.

One of the speakers recalled that on the day of the election a group of citizens managed to retain one of the vehicles in which these groups moved and it was found that 39 he belonged to the state government, so "they want to perpetuate themselves in power under the threat of arms," ​​he shouted.

Protesters said that Puebla was now in full view of the country's public opinion. after, it is one of the redoubts where the citizen's will has not been respected.

"No re-election, no re-election!", "Martha Erika, understand, Puebla does not love you!", "Out Moreno Valle!", "Elections without violence", were some of the slogans of the march .

Although some of the organizers said that the mobilization was to support citizens who were attacked during the elections and whose voting rights were violated, many participants were supporters of Morena who shouted slogans in favor of Luis Miguel Barbosa, candidate of Juntos Haremos Historia.

"Puebla voted and Barbosa won," they said.

It should be noted that before walking to the offices of the IEEP, all the staff of the electorate was expelled and the facilities closed.

Some members of the march were planning to continue the trip to the MM Grand hotel, where Morena's rulers and candidates were guarding a room that would have served as a center for the event. operations to manipulate the PREP and clone the electoral packages to change the vote in favor of Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo.

Although the hotel is about one kilometer from the IEEP, the contingent could not reach protects the supposed material from the fraud, because the police patrols of state blocked the passage.

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