Threat of death to an anti-drug dog [Internacional] – 24/07/2018


Bogota, Colombia .- In Colombia, criminal group Clan del Golfo offers a reward of 200 million pesos from this country for the death of the dog "Sombra", which thanks to his nose caused several seizures "Sombra", six-year-old dog and German Shepherd breed, carried out tracing at airports such as José María Córdova, in Rionegro, and El Dorado, in Bogotá, where, thanks to his nose arrested 245 people and seized important drug shipments.

The last of the dog's exploits was the seizure of five tons of cocaine in Antioquia.

This dog was a "narcotic" drug trafficker as "Otoniel". ", details an element of the police who preferred anonymity.

Because of these intentions of the criminal group, the Colombian National Police has put in place solid security operations Papa to save his life. the director of the police, General Jorge Nieto, ordered the transfer of "Sombra" to the airport of Bogota.

According to information provided by El Heraldo de Colombia

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