Three asteroids pass "close" to Earth: NASA – NSS Oaxaca


However, he stressed three reasons not to worry about the event. one of them is that they will be moving away from the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

NASA data indicates that three asteroids will be near Earth this Saturday, but do not worry. Humanity is out of danger, says the specialized Science Alert portal.

To mitigate the fears of its readers, the media explains why this event should not generate fear.


The celestial bodies bearing the coded names 2018 VS1, 2018 VR1 and 2018 VX1 will pass near the Earth. Of course, "close" in cosmic terms. Thus, according to the forecasts of the American aerospace agency, the first two will go much further than the average distance between the Earth and the Moon (384 400 km).

The asteroid 2018 VS1 will be closest to the Earth at 3.62 lunar distances, while 2018 VR1 will be even further away: at about 13.19 lunar distances. Only the VX1 2018 will pass a little closer than our satellite: at lunar distances of 0.99.

Although on the earthly scale, these distances seem enormous, in the cosmic world they are considered small.

According to NASA calculations, no object located less than 140 meters away is considered potentially dangerous. According to this scale, the asteroids that will spend this weekend with us are completely harmless.

2018 VS1 measures between 13 and 28 meters wide, while the 2018 asteroid VR1 measures between 14-30 meters wide and 2018 VX1, between 8 and 18 meters.

A similar one just went unnoticed
An asteroid just passed near our planet and we did not even notice it. It is in 2018 that VA2, with its 10-23 meters wide, has crossed at dawn this Friday (at 01:01 GMT) a lunar distance of 1.87. And nothing has happened. The planet continues its normal life.

Aristegui News

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