Three deaths and two shots were recorded during polling day in Reynosa (Video)


NUEVO LAREDO, Tamps. (apro) .- During the electoral day in Reynosa, there were two shootings and a confrontation between armed forces and alleged members of organized crime. In a first event, to prevent bullets from colliding with them, citizens, reporters and candidates were thrown to the ground by the shooting that occurred while waiting for a press conference of the candidate for the mayor's office. city, "Maki Ortiz."

"We are now on the ground (candidates and journalists) right now, here on the campaign committee of the candidate 'Maky' Esther Ortiz Dominguez, detonations were heard outside of this piece, "he said, in a strangled voice, a journalist who was telling what had happened yesterday during the elections in Reynosa

the military, shooting and throwing

At that time, the head of civil protection, Marco Antonio Martínez Alvarado, entered the Maky campaign committee and ordered the present to throw himself.

" Some journalists were thrown to the ground when they heard gunshots outside. Partly because the walls are actually windows. It's a dangerous thing to be in danger both inside and out, "the journalist continued in his account of the campaign committee's shooting.

This n & rsquo; Was not the only incident of the electoral process.In the district of Hacienda Las Fuentes, voters also experienced moments of panic after hearing, closely, a confrontation with heavy weapons.

The roar of the bullets forced the citizens who were queuing up and voting, to throw themselves

And it appeared that the military forces were facing bullets with a criminal cell, a fact that would have caused the loss of money. at least two criminals.

The clashes took place hours after the war.The capture of Luis Miguel González Mercado, "El Flaco Sierra", leader of a fraction of the Gulf cartel and one "priority objectives" of the government, for which a reward of 1 5 million pesos was offered

. González Mercado also caused narco blockades in various streets of the border town.

In addition to the incidents in Reynosa, residents of the municipalities of Hidalgo, Vil Lagrán and Mainero, territory controlled by the armed column of "self-defense" Pedro J. Méndez, denounced the fact that they were threatened to vote for candidates of a party

The plaintiffs, who spoke with Apro on condition of anonymity, they assured that armed men of the Column "convened The peasants and inhabitants of these municipalities to attend "assemblies", where they were warned of the consequences if they did not vote for the indicated candidate

. the second election in which the column of "self-defense" decides who should be the candidates who obtain the victory in Hidalgo, Villagrán and Mainero.

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