Three former César Duarte officials are linked to the trial


Millennium Digital

Three former officials of the administration of Caesar Duarte, Governor of Chihuahua, were linked to the process for embezzlement 5 million pesos educational services of the state of the state

A Judge of Morelos Judicial District Review examined the incriminating arguments presented by the Public Prosecutor to order the opening of the state. criminal proceedings against the accused.

During the hearing held on Monday, the judge set a deadline of four months for the closure of the investigations.

Alejandro VA, former general secretary of the Workers' Union, Diógenes BV, former executive director, and Martha Patricia BB, former director of the unit administration, embezzled five million pesos destined for public purposes and to current expenses, according to the Public Prosecutor 's Prosecution, supported in the criminal case 2202/2018.

The accused committed the crime by administrative procedures, one for 1 million 200 thousand pesos and the other for 3 million 800 thousand pesos, resources supposed to be used to grant bonuses for the day of teachers and scholarships for high school students.

To divert money, former civil servants incorporated a request for budget adequacy and diversified documentation in order to "justify" the release of cash from a bank account belonging to the Secretariat. Treasury with the issue of check 1329358, dated April 29, 2016, and its collection on May 2, 2016.

Of the three partners in the process Diógenes BV, the criminal proceedings will be free because it is a person of 80 years older than he has paid the deposit of an economic guarantee and the imposition of the signature biweekly.



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