Three girls are killed by a stream


Heavy rains in recent days have wreaked havoc on at least three entities, where there were floods, overflowing rivers, family evictions, deaths and even disappearances.

In Sonora, the waters arrived untimely At a stream in the community of Esqueda, municipality of Fronteras in Sonora, they took three little sisters of 13, 11 and 8 who were near the "yellow bridge" . The bodies were saved lifeless yesterday, according to what was published by El Universal.

According to a witness, around 8:00 pm on Thursday, the girls were dragged by the stream when they passed by El Zanjón stream, returning from the store

The miners crossed the creek just when the growing has happened because of heavy rain that hit this region.

From the moment when the disappearance of minors was reported a strong mobilization of the research was initiated by the inhabitants of the place, the personnel of the Civil Protection, the Public Police of the Public Security, the Federal Police and the Police. 39; Army.

They found the bodies of Crisdel Yazmín, Adelayn Yareli and Dalia Michelle, at a distance of about 4 kilometers from where they were washed away by the current.

According to reports, the remains of the girls could be transferred to the port of Guaymas, Sono Ra, where his family resides.

Esqueda Red Cross coordinator, Major Héctor Cordero Carrillo deplored the tragedy of the sisters and urged the community to be extremely careful when crossing the rivers, without trying to beat the current and respect the indications of the authorities.

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