Three insurers reject Condusef's assessment


Mexico. During the second half of 2017, 15 out of 20 insurers offering their services and mass insurance products over the phone got approval ratings. Three failed qualifications and two others will be punished for failing to deliver the information requested, reported the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef).

In the report from July to December 2017, the global average of the assessment was 8.2 out of 10. The three insurance companies that failed the assessment are Aba Seguros , Seguros Monterrey New York Life with a rating of 2.0, respectively. Patrimonial Inbursa earns a score of 5.2 points

For its part, the insurers who will be sanctioned for failing to comply with the information requirements are Mapfre Mexico and Qualitas Insurance Company.

Among the 20 insurers that place products Through phone sales, between July and December 2017, 20.2 million calls were made to customer prospects, but the number of effective policies that They managed to place a total of 1.2 million records corresponding to a 5.9 percent efficiency against the total number of calls made.

The above means that out of 100 attempts are made only 6. Compared to the previous semester, it has that even when the number of calls has increased by 8.3 percent sales have decreased by 27.9 %.

Policies that were canceled before 48 hours of confirmation, with the promoter who made the call, as well as those made voluntarily during the first month of validity of the policy and those not paid, totaled 201,000 444 case.

Current regulations prevented these people from staying with a policy that they did not want to acquire, being important to point out that, compared with the previous semester, there was a reduction in the number of canceled policies by 25,000 166. With the above, it is shown that insurance institutions improved their protocols in the sale of insurance by telephone.

Thus, the total effective policies during the second half of 2017, added 988,000 against the first half of 2017, the amount of which was one million 319 policies.

In telemarketing policy placement, the leading institution continues to be Patrimonial Inbursa at the time of the sale 615 thousand 853 insurance, following in importance Seguros BBVA Bancomer with 252 thousand 358 and ACE Seguros with 70 thousand 216, who participated together with 78.9% of this segment Market value

By a press release, the Condusef indicates that the insurance companies have put in place shares, so that the placement of mass insurance products by telephone sales, is offered in accordance with the regulations in force and provide more security and clarity to the users.

For any other question or request, please contact CONDUSEF at 01 800 999 8080 or visit our website, we also have You can follow on Twitter: @CondusefMX and Facebook: CondusefOficial.

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