Three things about the two presidential candidates of Brazil


SAO PAULO (AP) – Brazil vote Sunday to his next president, and the election could not be more adjusted.

The ultra-right MP Jair Bolsonaro, who leads the investigations, described a Brazil at war: with criminals, with corrupt politicians, with ideas of the left and, in a way, with himself. The campaign of the former captain of the army promises a "decent government, different from everything that led us to an ethical, moral and fiscal crisis".

The success of the campaign Bolsonaro, who took advantage of a wave of dissatisfaction with traditional politics, surprised many. He focused on the fight against crime and the courting of the business world by promising to implement liberal economic policies.

For his part, his rival, Fernando Haddad, is considered by many to be the replacement of his mentor and founder of Workers Party, the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Lula, once popular, saw himself vetoed the vote after a corruption conviction for which he is incarcerated. Haddad he is his successor and the former mayor and former minister of education worked hard to be independent.

He won the support of the most loyal party members, but a huge corruption scandal has diminished his ranks and Haddad He had trouble convincing many outside of training.

Here are three things to know about the candidates and their proposals:


CRIME: The Bolsonaro campaign focused on its promise to reduce Brazil's high crime rate. The largest country in Latin America is the world's largest in total number of homicides. Last year, a record 63,880 people were killed. Many Brazilians coexist daily with fear of theft.

Bolsonaro presented this struggle as a moral, between the forces of good and evil. He has pledged to give the police free rein in the use of force and to lift the restrictions on weapons so that people can defend themselves. In addition, he suggests reducing the minimum age at which defendants can be tried in adulthood at 16 years of age.

ECONOMY: As he himself admits, he does not know much about economics, but with the choice of an economist who studied at the University of Chicago as an advisor, he conquered much of of the business world. It is committed to reducing the size of the government, including reducing the number of ministries, and introducing pension reform that can reduce at least some of the benefits. In addition, it seeks to privatize many public companies. But as it has just been converted to the theory of economic liberalism, some observers question the duration and proximity of these principles.

AUTHORITARISM: Bolsonaro praised the dictatorship that ruled the country between 1964 and 1985, describing that era as a simpler and safer time. Many, especially the dissidents who fought this regime, were shocked by this description, noting that the military government had tortured thousands of people and killed hundreds. In addition to their promise to give police carte blanche to kill suspects and their derogatory remarks about many minority groups, some fear that Bolsonaro in power will lose his civil rights and weaken democratic institutions. Bolsonaro rejected these fears.


ECONOMY: Haddad placed the suffering of the Brazilians at the heart of his campaign in the heart of his campaign, largely blaming the reforms of President Michel Temer, although the economy began to sink when the Workers Party was still in power. Much of its program seeks to reverse Temer's achievements, including removing the public spending cap and passing a law loosening labor laws and reducing benefits. It also proposes to freeze a privatization plan and is committed to creating jobs, increasing public investment, reducing access to credit and reforming the tax system to make it more progressive.

SOCIAL PROGRAMS: The candidate has promised to make social and economic inclusion the focus of his program, reducing the inequalities that have marginalized large sectors of society. The Workers' Party candidate said she would reform the education system, expand the health system and significantly increase social assistance benefits. He focused particularly on the poorest and said he would implement a national food security plan based on evidence that the recession has slowed progress in the sector.

DEMOCRACY: Haddad accused the Temer government of trampling on the rights of workers, women, blacks, indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups. Alert on a Brazil led by hatred and intolerance and touted as the only candidate that can save democracy.

Although some of Haddad's rivals in the first round of the presidential election have united around this idea, many have decided to stay on the sidelines. For the moment, he has not managed to turn this into a general war cry.

In this note:

  • Politics Brazil
  • Jair Bolsonaro
  • Fernando Haddad
  • Lula da Silva

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