Three youtubers die while falling in a waterfall in Canada


Thousands of social media users have lamented the deaths of three youtubers specializing in travels that have fallen over a waterfall in western Canada.

The three childhood friends, Ryker Gamble, Alexey Lyakh and Megan Scraper died Tuesday during a trip to Shannon Waterfall, 335 meters high, about 50 kilometers from Vancouver, a city from the Pacific coast of Canada.

"You will be very surprised," said Melissa Devane. Facebook. "The High on Life group inspired me to travel and achieve goals that previously seemed impossible."

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police reports that the three "Swimming in the # One of the pools at the top of Shannon Falls "when" they slipped and fell to another pool, 30 feet down. "

Lyakh and Gamble lost their balance when they tried to help Scraper, after the current of the waterfall was taken, according to the version of a witness, collected by the Vancouver Sun.

The victims were Canadians aged 20 to 30 years old and they became famous in 2011 after the creation of a YouTube channel called " Hi gh on Life ", which has more than 500 thousand subscribers, plus a million others on Instagram.

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With information from the # 39; AFP.

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