Through the tears, Ayotzinapa celebrates the graduation of the classmates of the 43


The absence of his classmates marked the emotional closure of the 2014-2018 generation of the normal rural school of Ayotzinapa, from the municipality of Guerrero to Tixtla, known for the disappearance tragic 43 students in 2014.

The ceremony, which called "September 26, 3 seeds, 43 hopes", was developed in the esplanade of this school for teachers.

73 students graduated today in Primary Education and Bilingual Intercultural Primary Education, and in law At the end of the stage, there was a lot of sadness and anger for the absent ones.

Because there were missing 43 missing teachers and the three young students who died that night: Julio Cesar Mondragón Fuentes, Julio Cesar Ramírez Nava and Daniel Solís Gallardo

In Memory of the Missing empty seats were placed with their photographs. EFE / F. Meza

Among the absences, there was also that of the normalista Aldo Gutiérrez, who remains in a vegetative state since that night when the young people were attacked and he was shot in the head.

According to the official version, called "Historical Truth" on the night of September 26, 2014 corrupt police officers of Iguala arrested the youths and delivered them to the members of the Cartel Guerreros Unidos, who murdered and cremated them remains in the dump of the neighboring municipality of Cocula

However, parents and international organizations reported irregularities in the investigations and demanded that the possible involvement of the community. army and the federal police in fact be addressed. . In addition, they consider that it is scientifically impossible to burn 43 bodies in this landfill.

At this Friday's ceremony, the group of parents of the missing youth were the guests of honor at the closing ceremony. But only the father of the student Abel García, Celso García, stayed at the presidential table, went there.

Similarly, relatives of Mondragón, brutally tortured and murdered that night, placed a blanket with the drawing of his face. The young deceased will participate in the closing ceremony at which he will no longer be able to attend.

His uncle, also named Julio Caesar, explains that they went sadly and courageously to the event because nearly four years after his assassination

Another of his uncles, Cuitláhuac Mondragón, took the floor and told the graduates that it would be a generation that will never be forgotten in the Rural Normal "Raúl Isidro Burgos" or throughout society, and insisted that education is the way to "transform consciences".

A cover referring to Julio César Mondragón Fuentes, one of three young people killed the night the 43 missing EFE / F. Meza

The director of the school, Víctor Gerardo Díaz, said that even if there is joy for those who finish their career, closing the course has a taste of nostalgia and sadness for those who are not.

The normal of Ayotzinapa begins to recover students after the number has decreased due to events in Iguala, which shocked the country.

This year the school will receive 140 students, who already did an entrance exam and they started classes on August 20th.

Miguel Carrillo Figueroa, author of the song "Ahora Soi 43" which became iconic in the search for students, was present at the closing ceremony. Students

In interpreting this caused the tears of the assistants, especially graduates, many of them surviving this night.

While on the esplanade of the school the graduation ceremony took place, in the jo, in the solitude and tranquility of the court, the 43 seats remain in the faces of the young people who are still expected.


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