Throw, capture parents of Karime Macas


June 30, 2018

The exsuegros of Javier Duarte filed amparos to prevent the government of Veracruz from apprehending them.

Twitter @KarimeMacias

A federal judge was informed, by the prosecutor of Veracruz, that a arrest warrant had not been sought against Jess Antonio Macas Yazegev and Virginia Yazmn Tubilla Letayf, parents of Karime Macas, ex-wife of Javier Duarte

This information was forwarded to the judge of the Fifth District Criminal Protection of Mexico City, Patricia Marcela Diez Cerda, who denied the marriage the definitive suspension, because there is an act of authority that should be protected.

On May 13, the ex-outs of Duarte, former governor of Veracruz, promoted this amparo with the number 490/2018 against any arrest warrant from local judges and against any order of location and presentation issued by the Fiscala de Veracruz

Similarly, they sought protection from the City's Attorney General of Justice. udad de México (PGJCDMX), in response to a request for cooperation from the Veracruz Public Prosecutor's Office to execute any mandate that would deprive them of their freedom.

This application for Macas-Tubilla guarantee was encouraged when the publication of the arrest warrant against Karime Macas for alleged fraud of at least 112 million pesos to DIF of the entity, and after the state government broadcast videos of its location in London.

Although at the beginning Having obtained a provisional suspension, at the time of making the reports justified, the PGJCDMX reported to Judge Dez Cerda that he had not been obliged to locate and fill a ministerial mandate against the parents-in-law of the former governor

. It has also been reported that, for the time being, there are no arrest warrants against the parents of Macas, who moved to Mexico City and do not live with their fugitive daughter.

However, Macas and Tubilla prese they filed amparo only against the authorities of Veracruz; but it is at the federal level where they are the subject of an investigation. Their bank accounts have been frozen.

With El Debate information.

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