Thyroid disorders affect 10% of the world's population


It is estimated that about 700 million people worldwide suffer from a thyroid disorder, which affects the gland that we have at the base of the neck and whose function is to regulate key aspects of metabolism .

According to statistics from the Organization The World Health Organization (WHO), affects 10% of the world's population and the vast majority ignore the symptoms of this disease.

But … what is the thyroid? Dr. Janet Vélez, endocrinologist of the Centers for Diagnosis and Advanced Medicine and Medical and Telemedicine Conferences (Cedimat), explains that it is one of the glands that are part of the endocrine system, which is characterized by a butterfly shape and lies in the neck, just above the clavicle.

Its function is to produce, store and release sufficient quantities of the two thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), regulated by the pituitary hormone TSH. Vélez indicates that there are two micronutrients essential to its function: iodine, considered the most important because vital for the hormones T4 and T3. These thyroid cells absorb the iodine that enters with food into the blood to produce them; and selenium, which is crucial for the health of the thyroid.

This is found in seafood, meat and dairy products.

Clinical History

When the person has a thyroid disorder, Velez details that a diagnosis must be made for which the clinical history must be known, a physical examination, laboratory tests and studies must be performed .

Among the thyroid disorders with the highest prevalence, according to the specialist are: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, Hashimoto's disease, subacute thyroiditis, goiter, thyroid nodule and cancer.

"When we talk about hypothyroidism, it's when the patient does not produce enough thyroid hormones." In children, babies and fetuses, it can lead to underdevelopment Physical and mental permanency of hypothyroidism.

For this reason, Vélez indicates that it is important that pregnant women receive adequate nutrition for the thyroid

. presents hyperthyroidism, which is when it There is an excess of thyroid hormone.People have this disorder as a result of pathologies, such as Graves' disease, toxic adenomas, and subacute thyroiditis.

Some of the most common symptoms of lymphatic disease. hyperthyroidism are difficulty concentrating, weight loss, increased appetite, goiter, diarrhea, tremors, sweating and increased heat sensitivity, hair loss, irregular menstrual cycles, hypertension, palpitations, restlessness and insomnia e, nervousness, itchy eyes or bulging eyes

When they become inflamed

Thyroiditis, which is an inflammation of the thyroid gland, occurs due to a viral infection, immune system disorders or drug reactions.

Pain may or may not be a symptom, depending on the type of thyroiditis. While Hashimoto's disease is a type of thyroiditis in which the immune system attacks and tries to destroy the gland.

More common in middle-aged women and people with a family history of thyroid disorders.

"When the thyroid is swollen, inflamed, and painful, we are probably talking about subacute thyroiditis.This occurs because of a viral infection, and is usually more common in middle-aged women who have suffered an infection of the upper respiratory tract, "she added.

When talking about goiter, the doctor says that this is due to "Worldwide, its most common cause is iodine deficiency: when the thyroid does not get enough iodine, it grows in an attempt to capture as much iodine as possible Possible

As for the thyroid nodule, it is a small growth of the thyroid gland. ", he says. [19659002Tosolveathyroiddisorderhespecifiesthatthespecialistmustidentifytheproblemtoknowwhichdrugsshouldbeindicatedandifnecessaryindicatethatthepatientundergoessurgeryinwhichitiscombinedwithhormonaltreatmentsandradiotherapyinsomecases

"One of the processes with which a disorder is treated. the thyroid is thyroidectomy, partial or total removal of the thyroid gland, "he says.

Cancer affects this condition

Cancer is another disease that affects the thyroid. it ranks eighth among the most common types of cancer in the United States and the most common endocrine system.

Most grow slowly and can be successfully treated early. Your survival rate is usually good. It affects anyone.

Function of cells

Growth. "It is necessary to emphasize that T4 and T3 control basal body metabolism and organ function, indicating cells that convert oxygen and calories into energy," explains Vélez

. Explains that each cell depends on these hormones for their normal growth, development and function regulator, such as the production of energy and heat. These hormones are produced continuously, but are released more in case of need of extra energy, such as cold or during pregnancy.

Affect heart rate, cholesterol level, body weight, energy level, muscle strength, skin conditions, menstrual regularity, memory and many other functions.

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