Time magazine merges Trump and Putin by itself


19 July 2018

The controversial image was made by visual artist Nancy Burson.

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Time magazine again provoked controversy because of its coverage of this month when the US president merges into one person and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, after his relationship s & # 39 is improved after his meeting in Helsinky.

Trump and Putin commented that the summit had been positive and signaled the beginning of better relations between the United States and Russia.

However, the tycoon was criticized for his conciliatory attitude and for questioning the work of American intelligence before the Russian president. .

In Time's publication, titled "The Crisis of the Summit", journalist Brian Benett queries "Trump Trump?" and he emphasizes that he has not fulfilled his duty to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" at the meeting with his Russian counterpart.

"The founders of the United States have given future presidents only a series of instructions, established in Article II, Section I. Before entering into function, the elected president must swear to preserve and defend the Constitution and hoping to fulfill their duties.

"The attack of Russia in 2016 was designed, in the first place, to undermine faith in American democracy in the country and abroad. There can be no more direct appeal to the President being faithful to this oath. On the Helsinki booth, Trump was not ready for the task.

The US president insisted on the beginning of a good relationship with Russia, although his critics prefer that the conflict remain or even that there is war.

In the article, Benett showed his concern for Trump's intention to collaborate with the Russian leader, since he mentions that his interests are different from the situation in the Middle East, the nuclear problem, security and international order, agreement with Millennium.

The magazine's image was made by visual artist Nancy Burson, with the intention of illustrating the current context of US foreign policy.

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