Tipping trailer loaded with books and no one was interested in looting


Trailer loaded with books and no one interested in looting, like other spills of transport on the road

A truck turns around and steals food for the victims of the earthquake

When a vehicle carries food, soft drinks, cold cuts or any other type of "valuable" or perishable product, the inhabitants of the area tend to violate it until

However, in the case of a trailer overturned on the Xalapa-Perote Highway. , in Veracruz, no one was interested in loot .

The vehicle crawling on the sidewalk watered dozens of boxes that the inhabitants of the region did not know Free Manuals from the Ministry of Education (SEP), which had as its destination a warehouse in the city of Veracruz.

After several minutes of the incident, members of Penthatlón de Veracru z approached the place to collect and stack the boxes with books for their retirement later.

According to police reports, the unit had a mechanical breakdown on its way to the warehouse the Veracruz Education Secretariat, when the driver lost control and was hit against the retaining wall in the kilometer section 143 of the highway.

Local sources indicate that some people approached and took some boxes, but most were indifferent to the load so he left some where he found them .

In a few minutes, paramedics came to help Ernesto Castillo Pérez the driver of the unit, who was injured.

In a contrary case occurred last December, a double semi-trailer trailer overturned at kilometer 16 of the Mexico-Toluca federal highway, with address to Mexico City

This vehicle was carrying tons of boxes with bottles of beer that have almost ended up being struck by the inhabitants of the neighborhoods surrounding the area where the incident occurred.

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