Tips for getting a perfect tan | Lifestyle


The summer vacation arrived and with them the desire to travel to the beach. So, if you're getting ready to go out with your family or friends and want to come back with a perfect tan these tips are for you.

1. Prepare your skin
15 days before being exposed to the sun, you can apply pre-tan for activate melanin and avoid burns .

2. Diet
Before traveling, eat foods such as carrot, tomato, broccoli, corn or kiwi to improve the pigmentation of your skin and prevent ultraviolet rays from hurting it. Consuming products rich in vitamin E and taking much water allows the tan to last longer.

3. Exfoliation
Remove dead cells from the skin so that the tan lasts longer. To exfoliate your dermis naturally you only need to mix sugar, lemon and honey . Apply on your body, wait 20 minutes and remove it with lukewarm water.

4. Protector
Use sunscreen to prevent blemishes, choose one that matches your skin type.

5. Moisturize Your Skin
After sun exposure, moisturize your body with a cream that contains cocoa butter or aloe vera, these ingredients will prevent burns or infections.

Avoid exposure to the sun for long periods, ideally it should be progressive to avoid skin damage. At the end of the day, try taking a bath with lukewarm water to remove the sunscreen waste and close the pores.


Attention! It is very important to use sunscreen every day, even in cloudy weather, as the sun's rays pass through the clouds.

Remember that its use decreases the risk of skin cancer by 70% so apply it when you go to practice outdoor activities when you play soccer, the # Aerobics or yoga

In Televisa Digital we are concerned about the care of your skin, so we want to give you one of the 5 kits of Dry Balance Sport that our friends in ] Banana Boat they left us for you.

The novelty of this sunscreen is that, in addition to protecting you, it helps you feel dry and cool in your outdoor activities, even on rainy days. To take a kit, just be one of the first 5 to send an e-mail to [email protected]. Valid only in Mexico.

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