Tips for protecting your Android smartphone from malware


Android is the most popular mobile operating system, which is why the malware specific to this operating system is the most common. When it comes to the security of our connected devices, it is essential to protect them from the beginning and to be aware of the different maneuvers that criminals use to trick users and infect devices.

A survey by Kaspersky Lab, 83% of Android apps have access to their owners' confidential data, and 96% of these apps can be started without consent.

"We can not deny that cybercriminals are very creative and, therefore, users can not leave them," said Santiago Pontiroli, security analyst for Kaspersky Lab. "Many users also download applications without checking. their origin, which can cause them problems.a serious headache.This is why it is essential to be informed and understand the dangers of downloading any type of application on the Internet. "

To avoid headaches and ensure the protection of Android device owners, Kaspersky Lab offers recommendations so that they do not fall into the traps of cyber criminals.

How to download an application safely? Google has an entire department dedicated to checking apps that end up in the Google Play Store. However, applications with malware can be filtered from time to time. Although the risk of downloading an infected application directly from the official store is much less than if you download it from another source.

Is this just the download and ready? Before you download an application, carefully review the description, the creators, and the number of people who have reported issues or malware attacks with this application.

The application has a score of 10 points. What is the problem? An application with a high classification is good, useful and probably safer; Even so, be careful. A high score is not everything and evaluations made by users must be consistent, written by people who have used the application and not robots, even if they are negative. Sometimes cybercriminals use automated networks to improve application evaluation, so users do not cause suspicion at the time of download. In addition, check the number of users who have downloaded the application because those with millions of downloads are less likely to be infected with malware.

What does the application need to know about me? From the permission settings, the user can control the freedom of an application. For example, is it necessary for the application you use to listen to music to have access to your camera? And your microphone? The most common dangers involve the ability of applications to steal your data (location, contacts, personal files) and to perform certain operations in a hidden way, such as taking photos, recording audio, videos, sending messages. , among others. According to Kaspersky Lab, about 40% of people in Latin America admit to not checking the permissions of their pre-installed mobile apps on their Android and iOS devices, and 15% of them do not check permissions when downloading or downloading Installation of new applications. your mobile devices.

Less, that's more. This sentence also applies to the online world, since the less the user has apps on his device, the lower the chances of being attacked are

"The last time I updated my apps …" the OS and app versions, will be less security issues that the user and his device will have to deal with . Therefore, updates should be done regularly. "More than having the technology in their favor, users must be aware of the dangers present on the Internet to avoid them and be able to stay safe from the risks that exist," Pontiroli says.

Safety of the double dose. Dual-factor authentication is a resource offered by multiple online service providers that adds an extra layer of security to the login process of any account; because it forces the user to provide two forms of authentication. The first form – in general – is a password. The second factor may be something, depending on the service, an SMS message or a code that is sent to an email.

My password is 1234. There is no doubt that choosing a password is essential to prevent the theft of Identity and information from your accounts. Although they usually remember everything, users often prefer to designate a password that is easy to remember, even if it means that it is more vulnerable. This increases the likelihood that cyber criminals can guess passwords and abuse accounts. Password management software, such as Kaspersky Password Manager, can help you store and manage more secure, multi-character passwords with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Make sure your internet connection is secure. It is essential not to make online purchases or bank transactions while connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Make sure you use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) because all the information you send on this network will be protected. In addition, use tools that allow you to make online purchases and secure banking transactions for PC or Mac, such as Safe Money.

What else do I need? Whatever the purpose of your download, make sure your device has a robust security solution, which allows application verification, in addition to the anti-theft resource, which allows the user to 39; activate the alarm remotely, photograph the alleged thief, block the device and erase all information.

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