To avoid the void vote, they reiterate to mark only one box for each candidate


The nomination of candidates through different coalitions between political parties could represent a possible risk of confusion at the time of the vote and lead to the mistake of ticking the boxes, canceling the vote. However, to reduce the possibility of error, electoral authorities call to vote in the simplest way: to observe the ballot and mark the box where the candidate or the party who has decided to support is identified

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, owner of the local council of the National Electoral Institute (INE) of Jalisco, recommends that, if you choose to support all the allied parties in an application, it will be verified that it only marks institutes that have the request in common. He states that, in the training given by the INE to the polling station officials, they received a guide that contains all possible voting combinations for the alliances in order to avoid any confusion when taking into account account of these. The federation has issued a criterion for that, if the mark that has been made is clear in favor of a certain candidate, the vote will be valid even if it is left out of the box or covers all the poll

Guillermo Alcaraz Cross, president of the Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation of Jalisco (IEPC), minimizes possible confusion by coalitions. Explain that they give the opportunity to vote not only for a party but for all the political institutes that make up the alliance with a common candidacy.

Add that the vote may be marked with a cross, a circle, a dove or a sign, provided that the support to the candidate is clear.

There are at least 42 possible variants to vote on the presidential election. FACEBOOK / INEMexico

Parties dismiss assignments by alliances

The decision to score one, two or three logos of allied parties has an impact, because in addition to defining the winning candidate, it will determine the amount of public resources that the parties, the distribution of multi-member deputies and whether they reach the minimum percentage to maintain the record (2% at the federal level, 3% at the state level).

Given the possibility of confusion during the vote, the parties politicians focused on the batteries in the last days of the campaign to demand that the ballot be marked only its emblem, although they have problems. alliances with other political institutes.

Eloy Ruiz Anguiano, representative of Movimiento Ciudadano in front of the Electoral Institute, explained that when the three logos of allied parties are marked, the total number of votes of this type will be divided by three. In cases where only two are marked, the total will be divided into those marked.

"I believe that the voter of Jalisco is very knowledgeable, there is a trend that shows us that there will be a split vote.The voter of Jalisco is informed, I do not think not that there is confusion. "

For his part, Juan Pablo Colín Aguilar, PAN's representative to the IEPC, denied that the alliance could affect his party in defining the prerogatives or surrender "

" Let's go coalition or not, the electorate that assumes that the PAN is the best representation option must mark the party's initials. It was decided to form a partial coalition because there were specific needs in some municipalities or districts. "

The representatives of both parties believe that the elector will vote without confusion that could lead to the nullity of the vote.

Coalition in Jalisco [19659016] • The alliance PAN, PRD and MC a a joint candidacy to the Presidency of the Republic, to the senators of Jalisco, in the 20 federal districts and in the 11 local districts In addition, in 71 municipalities

• The Morena, PT and PES coalition has the joint candidacy for the presidency of the Republic, the senators of Jalisco, in the 20 federal districts.In addition, it appoints candidates in 18 local districts and registers 111 joint candidatures in the municipalities.

• In Jalisco, the PRI, the Green Party and the New Alliance have only one coalition in the presidential candidacy.In the rest of the charges, they go separately.


The presidential election [19659002] According to the g uide provided by the INE, there are at least 42 possible variants to vote on the presidential election ballot, for the different combinations between the parties that make up the alliances: Juntos Haremos Historia (Morena, PT and PES), Todos Por México (PRI, PVEM and Panal), as well as Por México Al Frente (PAN, PRD and MC).

Those who decide to vote by Ricardo Anaya, can tick the box of any party of the Front: the National Action Party (PAN), the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) or the Citizen Movement ™. You can tick one box, two or all of them

To vote for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, you can check the box of the National Movement for Regeneration (Morena), the Partido del Trabajo (PT) and the Partido Encuentro Social (PES ). You can also cross a single square, two or all three

If the intention is to vote for Jose Antonio Meade, you must check the box of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico ( PVEM) and the New Alliance. Panal), which form the Todos por México coalition. You can cross only one square, two or all three

Whoever decides to vote for the independent candidate Jaime Rodríguez "El Bronco" should check the box where his name appears.

The INE stresses that if you check the box of the former independent candidate Margarita Zavala, the vote will be void. If Zavala's box and "other" candidate is marked, the vote will be for "the other" candidate.

How to vote?

The vote is valid when: [19659002] • When the will of the elector is clear
• If you write only the name of the candidate, acronyms or nickname.
• If you write the name of the candidate, acronyms, nickname or nickname and acronym of the political party
• If you write the name of the candidate, the acronyms, nicknames or nicknames and two or more political parties who have applied for you in coalition.
• If you write the name of the candidate, the acronyms, nickname or nickname and box for your independent application.

Your vote will be valid:

• If the mark comes out of the boxes, the truth of your result is clear and clear.
• The simplest way to mark the ballot, is to make a single cross on the name of the candidate.
• For your vote to be valid, it is sufficient that the note you made on the ballot clearly indicates for whom you voted; in the same way, he will be invalid if he can not be determined in favor of who voted

Null votes

Will be considered void when: [19659002] • The elector composes on the ballot, two or more boxes of parties that do not form a coalition.
• If two or more emblems bearing the names of different candidates are marked.
• When the entire ballot is crossed out.
the ballot is left blank in the box, without any mark.
• When messages are recorded in the space of unregistered candidates who express their intention to cancel the vote.
• In the presidential election, if the box Margarita Zavala is marked.

What's going on? If you are voting for Margarita Zavala?

The Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch has decided that when the box with the name and emblem of Margarita Zavala is marked on the ballot paper of the Presidency, the vote will be considered void.
• If The Margarita Zavala box and that of another candidate, political party or independent, will be validly voted and registered in the section of said political party or independent candidate.
• If the box Margarita Zavala and two or three coalition political parties will be valid votes and registered in the section in which will appear the emblems of the indicated coalition.
• If the checkbox Margarita Zavala is marked and entered in the box for an unregistered candidate, the vote will be considered for the unregistered application
• If the checkbox Margarita Zavala is marked and two options or more are not combined, it will be a void vote.


] The anecdote of 2012

Antonio Elvira of the Torre (member of the Electoral Observatory of the. UdeG)

Federally and locally formed coalitions could raise doubts among voters in the vote On 1 July, Antonio Elvira de la Torre, said the main problem could be when counting votes. Mistakes could increase the null votes and affect the candidate's outcome to whom they intended to direct them. This will be a test

This has already been observed in previous electoral processes, mainly in 2012, when the coalition parties appeared separately on the ballots and not together, as had been the case in 2006. The most Big problem was that in 15 Entities there was a coincidental election, in which coalitions formed differently from the federal ones were registered (including Jalisco). This led to cross-sectional information in 154 constituencies, and 68 additional information due to local alliances.

The INE study example points out that, in the last election of governors, 61% of the voided votes were erroneously voters, who tried to vote for two or three non-coaligated parties.

In Jalisco, in the election of the governor of 2000 there were 34 thousand 736 voices void (1.61% of the total vote). In 2006, it rose to 54 000 214 (1.89%) and 81 000 329 in 2012 (2.39%).


In the 2012 presidential election, there was one million 241 thousand 154 null votes, accounting for 2.47% of the turnout. The total number of invalid votes exceeded the vote by New Alliance candidate Gabriel Quadri (2.29%). Despite this, the party has retained registration and access to public resources.

The number of squares would increase by a nil vote

The possibility that the number of invalid votes increases in the July 1 election, due to factors such as confusion among alliances, could result in a more large number to vote in boxes because according to current legislation, if the percentage of void votes is greater than the difference between the main candidate and the second should be to tell the vote, says Guillermo Alcaraz Cross, head of the Electoral Institute of the State, which says that While during the current electoral process the movements calling for the cancellation of the vote have not echoed that at the last elections, Alcaraz Cross responds that the position of the one who makes this decision is respectable conscious and that it is not the result of confusion. "Canceling a ballot is a way to participate and express yourself, however, it seems to me that we would somehow give the opportunity to decide … and it's not that that we are convinced of the least strength, but that we can be convinced that the rest of the forces will not govern us. "

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Morales, head of INE's local council in Jalisco, described as respectable anyone who decides to vote and invalidate his vote, but reiterated the call to analyze the alternatives and to exercise the right to vote.

They believe that voters will have no doubt about the choice of their candidates. NOTIMEX / Archivo


Where do the plurinomials come from?

In total, 20 local deputies arrive at the Jalisco Congress for winning the district where they competed, while 18 enter the principle of proportional representation (multi-nominal). These will be alternately designated: two of the candidates on the list submitted by each party and one of the losing candidates from each party who will have obtained the highest percentages of valid votes in their constituency.

The list of the most voted losers must comply with the IEPC and does not apply the principle of gender parity.
Candidates to deputies by independent means can not enter as "pluris".

What is the vote the parties need to be assigned "pluris"?

At the state level, all political parties that get 3% of the valid vote will be awarded a multi-member seat, even if no district wins.

The political party with the largest number of votes will be allocated "pluris" MPs until the total number of MPs is equal to the percentage obtained, adding five percentage points. ] What happens in the case of alliances or coalitions?

In case the candidates nominated by a coalition get triumphs in the districts where they compete, regardless of what is established in the agreement and the origin In favor of the candidates, the Headquarters is counted, for the purposes of the total allocation of deputies by the two principles, to the political party participating in the coalition that contributed the most votes. 9038] An ultimatum is addressed to pollsters

The Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Institute, Edmundo Jacobo Molina, pointed out that polls and their findings have an important role to play in public debate and electoral trends. He stressed that the polling stations play a major role in the electoral periods, they must therefore comply with great methodological rigor. And they must adhere to an ethical code to inform well, "by virtue of the importance that polls and their results have terms to generate a public discussion, inform about possible trends in citizenship."

He indicated that there will be 111 exit polls and quick counts, which will not be able to announce their federal election results before 8 pm and, in the case of local trends, to six afternoon hours. "Anyone who does not comply with these requirements will be guilty of an electoral crime."

In his speech, Óscar Balcázar, president of the Mexican Association of Market Research and Public Opinion Agencies, and Marcelo Ortega, from the Demoscopy and Surveys College of Specialists, expressed his commitment to the laws and regulatory frameworks in force at federal, state and municipal levels to respect election time and made a call to prevent the publication of false investigations.

In addition, they asked the media of communication their collaboration to spread the message against "the publication of the chafas investigations", so that the citizens do not let themselves be surprised by false data.

The National Electoral Institute (INE) has endowed elements of certainty and transparency to ensure the effectiveness of the realization and publication of investigations, representatives of the interview companies agreed yesterday INE President, Lorenzo Cordova, said that "the goal is to generate a context of demand so that seriousness and accountability prevail in this period of reflection, during the election day and, in particular , from the closure of the boxes, until information begins to circulate regarding the demographic studies accredited by the electoral authority. "

By participating in the press conference on the Macrosala Inquiries. the Institute, pointed out that the night of July 1, the INE will be "the only public body that will directly know the information boxes feeding fast-account exercises."

He warned that next Sunday, from the end of the boxes to the issue of the results of the quick counts made only by the INE, will be a particularly delicate teenage moment, so in these hours must deprive of responsibility and seriousness.


The president of INE, Lorenzo Cordova, explained that the night of July 1 corresponds to make public the results of the rapid count of the presidential election and Local Public Electoral Bodies disseminate the eight corresponding governorates and the headquarters of the Government of Mexico.

In Jalisco, the rapid count will be in 467 squares

The president of the Electoral Institute and Citizen Participation of Jalisco (IEPC), Guillermo Alcaraz Cross, said that next Sunday, before midnight, the first Election day results could already be obtained, though there is not a significant distance between leaders and second places. This is because, for the first time in the history of Jalisco, there will be a quick count of votes, which will be done in 467 boxes of samples throughout the state.

"Can we leave at 23:00 maximum, to present a trend, it seems to me that it prevents bad scenarios from appearing."

The time to go out to give the first results will be defined by a technical committee of mathematics specialists from Mexico City, which will be analyzing the result of the sample of 467 squares.

Alcaraz Cross pointed out that this would be one of the best tools to prevent the circulation of false information and alleged trends in social networks

"The opportunity we have to present a Quick account, I think it is the best tool we have to inhibit these bad practices. "

On the other hand, the INE delegate in Jalisco, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Morales, as He said that Jalisco has a favorable climate so that the elections run smoothly. Until now, he insisted, no red lights are located in any state municipality.

"Let's make this election a civic day, an authentic civic holiday. It will be a very participative election. With the expectation that has been maintained, we consider that 70% of the electorate can participate. "
He added that it will be the most watched election in the history of Mexico, with more than 900 thousand representatives of political parties, including 89 thousand in Jalisco

In addition, there will have 492 election citizen observers and 300 public notaries waiting to participate in the petitions of citizens and party representatives.

At age 22, Karla will be president of the club

Young people care about elections Karla Hernández Barrios, The 22-year-old is now ready for elections this Sunday and will be the president of the San Sebastian el Grande office in Tlajomulco

This is not the first time Karla has participated as an election worker. At the age of three, while she was still in high school, she was a secretary and as a "veteran" of the electoral process, she pointed out that the training was easy.

"Although I think this time this has been more lon In fact, last Sunday, the last one had just ended and on Monday, when I received the electoral package, they asked me questions about whether I had any doubts about the responsibility. .

In his house, he keeps the electoral package, urns, screens, pencils, indelible ink and all the necessary material for citizens to vote.

"I have about 744 ballots corresponding to each federal and local election."

Accept that feels a bit nervous to protect "something so important because of the violence that was recorded that day ", which recorded the murder of 48 candidates across the country. However, he hopes nothing will happen because the three levels of government will protect the election.

Sunday's day will be long. She and other representatives of the box will start preparing everything from 7:30 am to open at 8:00 am. On this occasion, they will close until six o'clock in the afternoon to complete the account no later than nine o'clock in the evening. Although by renewing all positions of the popular election, he considers that they will leave later.

"I feel that now we young people have to start to involve more.In my case, I really like to participate in this because in addition to that it is my responsibility as a citizen and as a citizen. that Mexican I also think that we must contribute. "

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