Today I voted for the coalition candidate Por México al Frente: Ricardo Anaya


Queretaro, Qro. Ricardo Anaya Cortés, presidential candidate of the Coalition "Por México al Frente", voted around noon in Querétaro and called for a vote on the future of Mexico.

Accompanied by his wife and three children, Anaya arrived at box 485 in the city of Queretaro to vote at 9:40 in the morning and hours later, at 11:17 he voted.

"Of course, today I voted for the coalition candidate Por México al Frente, Ricardo Anaya," he said.

The candidate said "full of hope and convinced that it will be a great extraordinary day for our country, for democracy in Mexico". He invited Mexicans to leave their homes and vote, thinking about the future of the country and their families.

He said that, according to his reports, the vote was "nurtured" and that many people went out to deliver his right to Mexico.

A He assured that this "big vote" would favor the results.

"I hope we are all tonight celebrating the triumph of democracy," he said.

Manifesto of Confidence in the National Electoral Institute (INE)), as well as citizens who are responsible for taking charge of the vote of Mexicans as polling officers.

After voting and giving a press conference to the media, Anaya Cortés moved with her family to the City of Mexico will await, with the leaders of the coalition, the first results of tonight's votes, once the quick accounts and polls at the exit will have begun to come out

"I am convinced that the results will respect, that today will win democracy, it will be a great day, an extraordinary day, a historic day for our country, "he said.

The candidate avoided comments on the recent deportation. Ernesto Cordero, his party of National Action, who has already expressed his support to José Antonio Meade, presidential candidate of the coalition "Todos por México"

and denounced to the Prosecutor General's Office (PGR) so that Investigate the alleged link of Ricardo Anaya with the money laundering network allegedly exploited by businessman Manuel Barreiro

Via Twitter, Cordero describes his expulsion as arbitrary and without proof: "Without evaluating the evidence and arbitrarily seeking to expel us from the NAP, why are they one day before the elections so busy dissenting now that they are losing, what are they afraid of?" ? ", He tweeted.

Finally, he called on the electorate to think about the future of Mexico and build Mexico that everyone wants.

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