Today, session for the recount of 119 electoral packages


Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- In order to finalize the details that allow a better examination, clear and fast of 119 packets of voters ballot papers for the mayor. Ahome, met Yesterday, the team of the Municipal Electoral Council

José Encarnación Torres Camacho, President of the GCE, explained that working tables were established to determine the procedure of this Wednesday [19659002] Preliminary Results [19659002] In this sense, he recalled that today's activity concerns the revision and the recount of the 119 electoral packages that do not Were not taken into account in the published preliminary result.

It is worth mentioning that at 18:50 last Monday, the candidate of the coalition Juntos Haremos Historia, composed of Morena, PT and Encuentro Social, Billy Chapman Moreno, leads with 61,890 votes, followed by Álvaro Ruelas Echave, of the All for the PRI Mexico, Green and New Alliance, with 40 thousand 859 votes, and Miguel Ángel Camacho Sanchez of PAN, PAS, PRD and Citizen Movement with 21 thousand 018 votes in favor

These preliminary results correspond to an account of 549 packages on a total of 669 packages of voters. The rest is what will be counted today.

This meeting is expected to agree on ways to perform tomorrow's calculation (today) on Wednesday, where we will review these minutes and possible packages that have been determined to be recounted. . [19659008] Reconteo

In this sense, clarified that out of the 119, it will not be necessary to count all the ballots, because some have problems of readability of the record, as much as they n & # 39; 39 do not have the record in sight and must I open the package to check inside, among other details.

I want to say that not all minutes will count votes, in others we will only look for minutes, or we will see other details. In this note:

  • Elections 2018
  • Mayor of Ahome
  • Reconteo
  • Elections

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