Today Tamaulipas – IMSS recommends the use of repellents to prevent vector-borne diseases & nbsp


The hottest months that await are July, August and September, where they expect a lot of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, which are transmitted by the said vector

One of the measures to confront the mosquito "Aedes aegypti" or to prevent its growth by being a transmitter of diseases, is to use repellent especially in endemic areas like Veracruz and Chiapas

Author: Notimex

Puebla, (Notimex ) .- One of the measures to cope with the mosco "aedes aegypti" or prevent its growth by transmitting diseases, is to use repellent especially in endemic areas such as Veracruz and Chiapas, especially if you go on vacation, said José Castel Martínez, specialist of the IMSS in Puebla. 19659006] At a press conference, the coordinator of epidemiological surveillance of the delegation of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Puebla said that during the rainy season and in summer, diseases of dengue approach, ika and chikungunya, which are transmitted by said vector.

"There are many commercial repellents, may or may not work, including some natural derivatives of lemongrass, rosemary and eucalyptus, which are endorsed by the WHO and we are convinced of that, are those who have diethyltoluamide, is the component that must really work to repel the mosquito aedes aegypti, "he noted.

Castel Martinez ruled that no repellent is used, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that, to repel these flies, the component must be diethyltoluamide, and he assured that only two out of ten products contain

He pointed out that other measures consist in wearing long-sleeved clothes, thereby reducing mosquito exposure and In endemic areas in Puebla or in the countryside, it is best to sleep with lodges, because in the evening, it is the moment when the female mosquito tries to go out to feed by the bite.

Another is to avoid mosquito larvae in areas where there is water, so in patios and roofs, avoid receivers that accumulate rainwater because 39 is the ideal environment where the mosquito deposits its eggs. He pointed out that the most critical months are July, August and September, where they expect a high incidence of these diseases and reported that last year in the health sector recorded about 300 case of dengue not

"The areas of most concern are Izúcar de Matamoros, towards the border with Morelos and the Tehuacán region, until now in the health sector in the state of Puebla, we have nine cases of non-serious dengue reported.

He pointed out that if the public does not implement joint preventive measures, there is a good chance that it records more cases than expected, also this year no They recorded cases of Zika and Chikungunya

Castel Martinez noted that among the symptoms that these generate temperatures higher than 38.5 and muscle aches, as well as articular, in the case of dengue while she does not st not haemorrhagic 40.

He added that in Chikungunya, in addition to the above, arthritis and deformity of the joints, as well as pain in the spine, knees and elbows.

The epidemiological surveillance coordinator of the IMSS delegation He said that the treatment of one of these diseases is only acetaminophen and hydration because there is no worldwide, so only the drug is prescribed to prevent the fevers and acute pains that they generate

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