Today Tamaulipas – To love to death a production surrounded by supernatural things


The telenovela begins Monday through the chain Las Estrellas, with a distribution of Central and South America

Angélique Boyer, protagonist of the telenovela Amar a muerte, who starts Monday broadcasts on the chain Las Estrellas, said that inexplicable events occurred during the recording of the plot

Author: Notimex

Mexico (Notimex) .- The actress Angélique Boyer, protagonist of the soap opera "Amar a muerte", which starts Monday broadcasts on the chain Las Estrellas, said that inexplicable events occurred during the recording of the plot.

"Strange things have happened in the sets, but out of respect, I think it's not good to comment on them, but we're full of magic." I think that with time, we can lose a little more of what happened, "commented the actress in an interview with Notimex.

Whenever a paranormal production takes place, whether it be a film, a series or a play, it is constantly assumed that unexplained things happen, there have been cases of deaths during filming or accidents, which has led fans of these subjects to indicate that the fault is for spirits, ghosts or evil entities.

"For example, what happened to Alexis," said the actress, the actor who suffered a heart attack while filming, he recorded his death in an ambulance and five days later he was late in an ambulance fighting for his life.

"Leonardo Padrón, author of the story, lost his mother during these months of filming.The day when the recording began was my mother's sad birthday, so there are many signs that we can not explain ", he added.

The actress also said that nothing supernatural had ever happened to her and that she hoped it never happened to her, "but I prefer to think that these are positive energy things, I love a lot of magic, but always in a good way. "

However, she added that although she was very skeptical about this kind of thing, she is now beginning to believe because a butterfly appeared three times: "I can hold it in my hand and stay with me as long as possible until I throw it to the sky and it goes away. "

As for the story of the tragedy, they worked very well, because all that is said is based on an investigation and suggests.

"When the scientist says that if the soul weighs 21 grams, where are these 21 grams, it's incredible, there you think for a moment and here Leonardo Padrón is a true poet, he lets us question and it We want to pass on to Mexican families.

"It is a production full of mysticism, magic and I believe that that of people beyond, which does not lead us to anything else, I touch wood," said L & # 39; actress laughing.

In addition, the actress said that "Amar a muerte" is a very traditional Mexican story, "save the most beautiful of Mexico, shows us many ideals, the problems that occur today," has also indicated that the distribution, is composed of people from Central America and South America, that he hopes to open many borders.

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