Todd Howard talks about the lack of cross-play in Fallout 76


Fallout 76 can be played in different ways; however, Bethesda's main proposal is to create an online community that appreciates the title as a whole. Given this, it would be normal to think that the game will include cross-games.

Unfortunately, everything indicates that Bethesda has other plans for its title, which will be released this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Todd Howard, renowned producer and director of the company, recently spoke of the absence of cross-play in Fallout 76 .

In an interview with the German site Gamestar (via Game Informer ), Howard stated that Bethesda would like to make this feature possible for their new project; However, not everything depends on them, so for the moment it is not envisaged.

"We would like to do that, but for the moment that's not possible," said Howard, who then made reference to Sony. "Sony does not collaborate as we would like," adds the producer.

In case you do not remember, Sony has blocked cross-play with other companies in various titles, such as Fortnite Minecraft and Rocket League .Nintendo and Microsoft talked about the company's position and even got together to promote this game option.

of that, Sony remained firm in its decision, although recently it said that It analyzes various options for cross-play in PlayStation 4. According to Shawn Layden, president of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios, they are looking for a solution that will please your community and at the same time support your interests in as a society.

Over the past few days, Bethesda has shown some of what lies ahead in Fallout 76 as details of its multiplayer mode, the use of camps and the plans that it has. he has regarding his content after the release.

Fallout 76 will debut Nov. 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Visit this link to see more information on the subject


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