Toño, the tortillero who almost died on his motorcycle because of Hurricane "Willa"


Toño, the tortillero who almost died on his motorcycle because of Hurricane "Willa"

Among the cries of the witnesses, we see the man who remains on board the motorcycle, unable to cross, is swept away by the current to keep his balance and fall to the water.


The story of Toño the tortillero, the so-called subject, who was dragged by a stream caused by Hurricane Willa in Santiago Manzanillo, Colima, extends like a hot bread.

The city's tortilla vendor is becoming famous because it suffered the miracle of its survival last Tuesday.

After trying to cross the stream of Santiago, swollen by the rains, for nearly a kilometer, it has considerably increased its level.

The man, in his thirties, was caught by the current at 3 pm, when he tried to cross the river at the height of the Montebello colony of the Santiago delegation.

When he lost control of the bike and the current started pulling it, several neighbors tried unsuccessfully to stop one of the ropes that had been thrown at him.

However, it was up to the community vehicle deck, the tortilla worker Los Panchos could hold on. From there elements of the civil protection of Manzanillo, the municipal police and volunteers managed to maneuver to save
with the help of several channels.

In the end, he was unharmed, although he had a nervous shock.

His identity is unknown, although some of his companions managed to identify him as Toño the tortillero.

His rescue and his odyssey became so famous that a first race was released in his honor. Listen to him:

After the passage of Hurricane "Willa" on the plane DN-III-E in Sinaloa

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