Torment in the United States, looking for separated children


David Brooks, Correspondent
Photo: Afp
The Mayan Journey

New York, United States
Friday, June 29, 2018

The torment of parents looking for their children at home middle The sadness of a gigantic bureaucratic indifference accompanies a growing wave of protests that includes the occupation of the Senate offices in Washington, while Melania Trump and the Department of the United States. State worried about the separation of children in this country and in others.

protesters from almost every state in the country, led and summoned by women in an initiative called #womendisobey (women disobey), marched in Washington, DC, where they blocked traffic in front of the Ministry of Justice, Where they left for the Capitol. the purpose of carrying out a massive act of civil disobedience on the ground floor of the Hart Building, which houses the Senate offices, where they were sitting or lying on the floor with n Silver covers, like those used by children in detention centers, singing and shouting for the reunification and liberation of immigrant families with placards reading "we are going to throw your walls" and "we will not obey". More than 575 people were arrested, including Federal Representative Pramila Jayapal and actress Susan Sarandon

. At the same time, demonstrations continued at the border and in other parts of the country, with protest camps outside the offices of the Service. Immigration and Customs (ICE), and in centers and shelters where minors are separated from their parents after crossing the border. This morning, authorities withdrew a sit-in protest that blocked the entrance of the ICE offices in Portland, Oregon, for nearly two weeks.

Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Trump's immigration policies, including one that culminated in the decision of a federal judge this week ordering the government to Stop family separations and reunite the more than 2,000 children separated from his parents in May within 30 days, airs an advertisement on several national television channels, lobbying the White House to comply with this order (

Several organizations, such as the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Human Rights, they organize 24-hour fasts at the border and in the United States. other parts of the country for a period of 24 days (for the 2,400 separated children) in protest against Trump's policy. The widow of Kennedy, Ethel, 90, will participate one day and declare in a statement that "generations of citizens have not worked or sacrificed to build a country where children and their parents are placed in cages to promote a cynical political agenda ". His daughter Kerry, and his grandson, Representative Joe Kennedy, several politicians and artists joined (

A national action was called Saturday, when protests are expected in more 600 points of the country. (

The stories, each more unbearable than the other, desperate efforts, tears and anger of parents trying to locate, communicate and save the children who were caught, continue to flood the country. One example among hundreds: a Guatemalan mother who crossed the border and was arrested in May tells an ACLU lawyer how American authorities told her that she would be separated from her daughter. She was asked if Mother's Day was celebrated on those dates in her country, and when she said yes, the officer said, "Happy Mother's Day". The woman commented that "I could not understand why they hate me so much, or why they want to cause me so much pain."

This Thursday, a judge in Chicago, ruling on a lawsuit, ordered the federal government to immediately surrender a nine-year-old Brazilian boy separated from his mother a month ago, stating that the prosecution Separation would cause "irreparable damage to both."

But the vast majority of parents do not have a lawyer and do not know how to navigate. massive and complex American immigration system. More than 2,000 children are still separated from their parents.

At the same time, there are reports of how immigrant children, some as young as three years old, are ordered to appear in court to be deported. Newly separated – without their parents next door, reports the Texas Tribune.

Faced with all this, the first lady – an immigrant woman – arrived at the Arizona border on Thursday, where she visited a border patrol detention center for recently separated minors, where she said "I am here to support them and offer my help to the best of my abilities (…) on behalf of children and families." Her spokesperson explained to the media that she cares deeply about children … she does not like to see separated parents and children. Later, she went to Phoenix to visit a shelter where dozens of children were placed.

Her first trip to the border last week to witness the humanitarian crisis caused by her husband was a disaster for public relations. I wore it when I was riding in the plane, which had a motto on the back saying, "I really do not care, and you?"

It's in reference to that that a lot On the other hand, in Washington, the State Department released its annual report on human trafficking around the world on Thursday, warning that the practice of separating children from their parents and placing them in institutions has adverse effects on the health and development of minors. "Even under the best circumstances, institutions can not cover the emotional need of a child who is usually received from the family …"

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